hobby world turtledove as there is no reflux. In fact, it is vice versa, from year to year, fans kelanggenan this bird was increasing. In the first days of the kingdom, birds turtledove only kept by the gentleman. Enjoy the sound of anggungan habits turtledove has happened since the era of Majapahit. When Joko Mangu turtledove property Prabu Brawijaya V (the last king of Majapahit) separated from the cage, a bird is found again by the king in the way in the area of Yogyakarta. Precisely, found in the area of Kretek, near Imogiri, Bantul regency. Where it departs from, the kings of Mataram who felt himself the descendant of the ruler of Majapahit Prabu Brawijaya preserve and mentradisikan kekukututan (keep turtledove) Ngayogjakarta in the palace. Kekukututan have considered the cultural values adiluhung.
Kekututan tradition in the palace Ngayogjakarta Hadiningrat appear at the time of Ingkang Sinuwun Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII (1877-1921) developed a close Imogiri turtledove for Sanden. Sanden is the event to listen to the voice turtledove together with sekedarnya enjoy. This is the time of birth gending Monggang presented a special ceremony in the sacred Grebeg. Song of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VII is created with a sound inspired anggungan called turtledove Monggang.
At the time of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII (1921-1939), often holding kekututan palace called Lurugan Beksi Berkutut, now this may be identical with the contest turtledove. Many activities that followed the countess, petinggi government of the wealthy merchants, doctors, and people respected other.
Love kekututan also take place during the government of Sri Mangkunegoro VII in Surakarta. Kekututan events held in the palace Mangkunegaran. Kekututan participants not only enjoy the sound turtledove, but also dissolves in the discussion and exchange of information and experience. Kekututan at that time not only is the exhibition and seminars, but also can be used as a spiritual exercise. Turtledove maintained not only to enjoy the sound anggungnya, but from the trust have magical power that can affect the way someone lives.
Turtledove including five in the tradition. The five are homeless (home), garwa (wife), suspicious (keris), turangga (horse), and kulila (turtledove). Kelimanya absolute must belong to a man, if you want to called a perfect man in the tradition background culture palace. Turtledove is a tool creator of satisfaction or personal enjoyment. Voted to give atmosphere quiet, calm, relaxed, happy, and if people can relate to the universe directly. Apart from the turtledove has a remarkable feature because they have a magical power that can affect the owner. Many are based on the turtledove katuranggan or mathi characteristics of the influence of both (a fortune) and bad (take off) for the caretaker. Perhaps the time is now, this is not thought appropriate degan nature of modern society.
Turtledove is kept, including a good or bad, can ditilik based katuranggan (physical characteristics such as body shape, feather, beak, feet) and mathi characteristics (nature, behavior, and when the ring turtledove), which is as follows:
Turtledove manggung accompany the rising of the sun (Gedong mengo), attached to the manggung sundown (Gedong minep), or order bunyinya (widana sreku / widah there gasta gasti) is very good because it kept bringing Rejeki or can increase the degree. This also applies to the turtledove of the furry white head (Satria kinayungan), turtledove crest (songgo queen), a turtledove feather ekornya 15 sheets (Pandawa mijil), and a turtledove shining yellow eyes (crow's soul). Pure white feathered turtledove turtledove and black (fur really black) is also very well kept. The two bird species that are considered so that the king kept turtledove akan give fortune.
Turtledove ekornya that there is a white feather (wrapping dead), all red-feathered (quid brama), feathery reddish yellow (brama labuh Geni), quasi-black feathered (wisnu kucem), white neck feathers (candala sabda), memliki habits manggung midnight (durga nguwuh), or manggung day and night (durga ngerik) are not well maintained because of the impact of the ugly keeper.
Turtledove unlimited tune in Indonesia, but also in neighboring countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Singapore. In fact, Thailand more successful in the field of pengembangbiakan the result is very attractive fan Indonesia.
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