Development of the city of Ternate samapi government is currently experiencing a very rapid progress. Many of the problems that make changes to this we find is the history of the past. How does the government face of Ternate yore and now? Meanwhile, in December 1996, the desire of local governments to improve the status of Administrative Ternate, a Municipality of Ternate the flare, so that in the year was also the mayor of Ternate Drs. Syamsir Andili H, on behalf of local governments to apply the title "Increasing the City's Administrative Ternate Become Regional Municipality of Ternate Level II," submitted to the Regent Abdullah Assagaf.
Through the application is presented next, with a range of research both from the Government of Maluku Province and Ministry of Home Affairs, the proposal is approved.
With the support of Level I DPRD Provinsi Maluku Utara through official letter dated 13 December 1996 and Level II decision DPRD Kabupaten Maluku Utara No.: 188.4/ob/DPRD/MU/1997 support terbentuknya Regional Municipality Level II Ternate.
And the lapse of two years later, berubalah status with titetapkan by Law No. 11 of 1999 on the establishment of Level II Regional Municipality Ternate. Then, on 27 April 1999 Regional Municipality inaugurated level II Ternate at once inaugurate Drs. Syamsir Andili as occupant Walikotamadya first diera Regional Autonomy.
Kota Ternate Travel is on the way of progress, so that the peda in 1999 and formed the DPRD Kota Ternate Bhakti period 1999-2004 and with the government and form a complete device-government Note Moh. Amrul Djinanu -
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