The development of Islamic thought in line with the development of human history Muslims. Various problems arise and need solutions occur. In the centuries-century development of the Islamic jarah not many colored review of the various thoughts, but after the third century diadopsinya with Greek philosophy by the Muslim intdektual the new round of debate thoughts Islam birth to many trends of thought.
Travel thought Islam was also influenced by the rising power in the fall to 15th century, Islamic thoughts deterioration occurred and by kejumudan think so that the imperialist powers to be strong in almost all Islamic countries are subject, all the more the colonists also brought this concept in mind that deliberately developed to eliminate or at least thought memdistorsi Islam. Therefore, a decline of thought among Muslims themselves. There who want to defend Islamic values in their lives, this group is called by the orientalis group as conservative, while anti tesa from this group is the group that wants the changes in Islamic thought, so drawn in such a way to fit in with modern thinking is the postscript model West . This is called the second group with a group that holds Liberal (Liberal Islam).
The term Liberal Islam
The West orieiitalis different opinions when assessing Islam. Charles Kurzman noted a number of Islamic leaders who assess the pessimist, such as Voltaire (1745) dalain book "Mahomet of Fanaticism" rate that is identical with the Islamic zealotry. In political terminology, Islam means dispotisme power (tyranny), the words Montesquie, as Francis Bacon (1622), which mengidentikkan of Islamic monarchy with Absolut. While in the military field is identical with the Islamic terror as expressed by Eugène Delacroix (1824). Even writer Ernest Renon (1862) argued that the Islamic tradition synonymous with backwardness and primitive.
However many there are a number of prominent West orientalis that Islam is objectively look like Arnold Toynbee in his book "The Preaching of Islam", or John L. Esposito in his book "The Islamic Threat: Mith or Reality" is more positive figure the West embraced Islam as Leopold Asad, Maryam Jamilah who write a book "Islam and Modernism" and Roger Gerandy who write "Tromisses De L 'Islam."
According to Kurzman, that usually means that the Liberal Islam discuss them with the essence of Western liberalism on power kritisnya, although there are differences between them, as the Liberal Islam still stand to the Al-Quran and Hadith and Islamic history. Meanwhile, according to Prof. William Montgomery Watt Islamic term that refers to Muslims who appreciate the views and feel that Western criticism hidden or covert to Islam some can be justified. They regard themselves as Muslims and have a life as a Muslim. The term Liberal Islam is identical with the modernis and neo mu'tazilah.
Development of the Liberal Islam
Liberal Islam for Kurzman, the same as saying that the renewal and leave the modernity of the past and proclaim kapada the development of technology, economy, democracy and the rights of the official. The leaders of the so-called a-effect is Muhammmad bin Abdul Wahhab of Saudi Arabia, sheikh Gabriel Umar bin AI-Aqdisi from West Africa, from Sumatra Poor Hajj, Hajj Ahmed Syariat God and Brelwi from South Asia and Xin Ma Ming from China. But the influence of the Liberal Islam the most powerful of India's bemama the Addahlawi Shah Wali Allah (1703-1762). Meanwhile, Montgomery Watt looked Liberal Islam that began in the 19th century until the liberation (1945).
Figures Liberal Islam
The leaders of the Liberal Islam's most prominent and recorded by the West is the author Sayyid Ahmad Khan (1817-1898) from India. He saw that the treatment of British Muslims in the country's woes and are treated very unfairly. Meanwhile, residents dianak Hindu-emaskan. For example in the city of Bengal, government departments placed the engineers, accountants and other employees of the Hindu residents of a Muslim, two of 300 children in the UK universities in Calcutta is not up to 1% were Muslims. But Ahmad Khan writing for the government submitted to the British in India of various treatment and injustice sernena-rnena acts that cause hatred of Muslims to the UK. Time until the year 1869 Sayyid Ahmad Khan urnurnya is 52 years old, he accompanied his son to go to school English. Departure was intended to gather material in order to impugn the character of English orientalis menyudutkan history of Prophet Muhammad SAW, to complete any posts entitled "Essays on The Life of Muhammad" that smell apologis narnun not long after the book by prominent liberal diungguli India named Sayyid Amir Ali ( 1849-1928), so narnun Sayyid Ahmad Khan has been successfully pumping the spirit of Muslims with coax them to take the policy in cooperation with the United Kingdom. This effort involves the acceptance of Western values to a certain extent, because it indirectly stated that the young generation Muslims will enter the schools built to educate them to become servant state. One of the achievements of Ahmad Khan is a collage of the 1877 which is the embryo of the University Aliqrah officially founded in 1920.
Meanwhile, Sayyid Amir Ali with the famous book "The Spirit Of Islam" Indonesia dalarn edition entitled "The fire of Islam" at the bottom is a view of Islam and ready to realize that all the liberal values in the Puja in the UK at the time of Queen Victoria. Amir Ali holds that Muhammad is the "Great Teacher''a man who believe in the progress, which uphold the use of roots and even the noble pioneer rationalism, ie a man who truly modern. Islam is seen as most religious ideal, a belief that menanarnkan large to emphasize the holiness of God and the moral code of ethics and a high. War-a war that the purely defensive nature of the dignity of women, improve the fate of slaves and slavery criticaster suggests that knowledge and science, and emphasize human responsibility and free intention.
In the Sudan, Sadiq AI-appear as the Mahdi political figures who support the idea that the Liberal Islam Islamization that require more extensive, but not with the way society formed in the mold of the present intellectual and social generation that considers Islam "babwa sya'riah flexible enough to allow this . It is beyond madzhab-madzhab Islamic law and is only bound to the Al-Qur'an and Sunna, and is able to overcome the conditions of the present. Perjuangan is further developed by Dr. Hassan Turabi, which was then mengahadapi great challenges of the local scholars such as Dr. Sheikh Ja'far ldris, Amir AI-Haj etc..
The success of the Liberal Islam is the most prominent in the Mustafa Kamal Ataturk (l924) as a sacred institution in the world of Islam, Islamic education and changing the style of a traditional West peagajaran language prohibits even the arab-adzanpun not allowed to use the language but the arab dikumandangkan with Turkish . Voters rejecting khilafah Islamiah Islamic government as an institution sued by Ali Abd. Raziq (1925) from Egypt. la censure kekhalifahan validity, but also the foundations of authority in Islam.
India's ideas on Islam by Dr Liberal examined. Greg Barton in a written dissertation doktornya at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Research emphasized start of 1960 until 1990. This movement of thought and learning development lslam Liberal called Neo-Modemisme Islam that has been influential on the level religious, social, and political. This movement is widely grown dilingkungan have the intellectual background of modern, combined with the classical Islamic education. Appear in Indonesia is a rising force for the rise of a new generation of Muslims, especially middle-class city, so it is able to participate in more liberal and progressive to a new Indonesai. Dissertation is to focus on four prominent drawer carriage liberal Islam in Indonesia, namely, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur, the former president to RI-4), Dr. Nurcholis Majid (Paramadina foundation chairman), Johan Efendi (Sekertaris Gus Dur in the palace) and Ahmad Wahid (has died). Barton tried to put them in the context of globalization and the wider modemnisasi.
Analysis of Key Thought The Liberal Islam
Central theme of the specifics in mind the liberal Islam is the rationalization and modernization of Islam in addition to gender issues, women's leadership, and the progress of science and not infrequently to the sekularisasi.
If we observe that the birth of the thought leaders of liberal Islam that is because some things, namely:
1) The length of the colonial cause of Muslims in all sectors.
2) The ignorance and kejumudan Muslims setagnasi the result of thought and education.
3) What do they see from direct observation to upset the Western world until the birth to encourage them to bring the attitude towards Muslims who do not progress in the west rarely sikapi with their apologi excessive.
In fact there are dots on the strengths and weaknesses of liberal Islamic thought that. Salient point that the surplus that they telahmerangsang resurrection tradisionalis for the rise berijtihad and make changes. But dots kelemahannya enough. At least reactive attitude towards them is not true at the same time with the implementation of the real that can be enjoyed by people of widely so that it can bring to their work that they benefit the people. Also not uncommon to be more teoritik and pout and apologetik and so forth berbangga self arogansi intellectual.
In the structure of Islam in Indonesia, including the liberal Islam Islamic substantive flag bearer for dealing with other Islamic groups, namely Islamic formalistik groups and Islamic fundamentalist groups or konserfatif. In the framework of Islamic groups formalistik visible on the old style of government order, new order, and Habibie government. While Islamic groups in the government seem sustansif Gus Dur. And both have failed, so the last opportunity in the third group of Islamic fundamentalists is that now more diligent-getolnya menuatut Syariat implementation of Islam in Indonesia, or through special autonomy / regions.
In terms of thinking, college-university institutions, especially Islamic countries (IAIN) is a fertile place of the liberal mainstream Islamic thought and appears to be very Western.
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