Precisely around the 1990s or the civil society discourse often mentions the intellectual civil society, civil society, or civil society. Start at gagas and became the main discourse in both the discussion, research and publication in the world is not reluctant membahasnya. Despite present as a new discourse, civil society can be acceptable to almost all classes and communities.
History of the concept of civil society
Western Europe, precisely in the Polish Solidarity movement, leaders of Cech watena reinforce resistance to domination Jeruzelski general government. In contrast, the solidarity, the concept of "civil society" as well as the basic direction of the struggle with the pressure on the resistance to otoriterisme countries. Patterns of solidarity that used to pervade this some other European countries, such as former chekoslovakia, along with the failure regime kamunis in the Soviet Union. The success of the movement is then triggered a debate ramainya "civil society" in different parts of the world, including North America and Western Europe alone.
The development of civil society actually dikembangakan by GWF Hegel (1770-1831 M), Karl Marx (1891-1837 M). This discourse emphasizes the elements of civil society as the dominant class ideology. This understanding is more a reaction from a model made by Paine (who consider civil society as part of a separate country)
According to Hegel, civil society is a group of subordinatif countries. This understanding, according to Ryas Rasyid kaitanya closely with the European bourgeois society phenomenon (Borgerlische gessells Chaff) that growth in the mark with the release of the dominance struggle negara.Hegel to say that social structure divided into 3 entities, namely the family, civil society and the state. Socialization is the family room as a private members society characterized by harmony.
Karl Marx to understand civil society as "bourgeois Society" in the context of relations of production is a constraint kapitalis.keberadaanya for exemption from penindasan.karenanya man, he must be cut off to the public without realizing kelas.sementara Antoni Gramsci does not understand civil society as relations of production, but more on the ideological side. When Marx put civil society on the basis material, then Gramsci put it on the super structure, side by side with the country that he used as the Political Society. Civil society is struggling hegemonik position outside the state power. Apparatus in developing hegemony hegemony to establish consensus in the community.
Understanding Gramsci put pressure on the strength Cendikiawan which is the main actor in the process of social and political changes. Gramsci thus see the nature of political independence and the civil society, even on the very last he was also influenced by the base material (economic).
Characteristics of civil society
If in all things, surely have karakterristik. Utterance characteristics of civil society is meant to explain that in the discourse of civil society-the prerequisites necessary to become a prerequisite in the enforcement of universal values of civil society. This prerequisite can not be separated with each other, which is one integral unit. Prerequisite is the existence of the Free Public Sphere, democratic, tolerant, Pluralism, Social justice (social justice) and berkeadilan.
Free Public Shere is the public space is free as revealed in public opinion on the bebaslah the bebaslah individual in a position to afford equivalent transactions discourse.
That democracy comes from the Greek, means the people and Demo cratos means of power. In general, democracy means that the surrounding community does not consider race, especially race and religion. Democracy is one of the absolute requirement for the enforcement of civil society the emphasis of democracy (democratic) can be included as aspects of life such as political, social, cultural, educational, economic, and so forth.
Is a tolerant attitude that has developed in the civil society to show the attitude of respect and mutual respect of the activities undertaken by other people. This tolerance can be an awareness allows individuals to appreciate and respect the opinions and activities conducted by other groups of people of different civil society also refers to the quality of life and imaddun (civility). Civilitas meniscayakan tolerance, that is, the willingness of individuals to receive views and political attitudes of different social
Pluralism is a tie to the pure-bhinekaan bond-bond in the refinement (genuine engagement of the diversities within the bonds of civility). Pluralism is also a requirement for the salvation of mankind through the security mechanisms, and balancing (check and balance). Pluralism can not be understood only with the attitude recognize and accept the fact that plural society, but must be accompanied with a sincere attitude. To menerimakenyataan pluralism as a positive value, is the grace of God.
The latter is Social justice (social justice), justice is meant to balance the distribution and proportional to the rights and obligations of each citizen that covers all aspects of life. This allows the absence of monopoly and concentration one aspect of life in one community group. Are essential, the people have the same rights in obtaining the policies set by the government (the ruler).
In a special relationship with the state, the civil society can not do any of the 3 main functions. First, civil society stands as a shield for the public, the behavior of countries that tend hegemonik, otorian and repressive. Second, if countries are not hegemonik, civil society appears as a partner in implementing the country publik.Ketiga interest, when the public has been well diakomodasi by the state, civil society can play a complementary function, in which he appears to complement the needs of the community.
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