Dehydration Identity Music
What is the period, the music is used as the media utter resistance and control of social reality. In the era of 60-many mainstream musicians use music to any channel aspirasinya. The Beatles, for example, with pentolan legendanya John Lenon bring the mission of the working class eksploisasi, taste aversion against racial, religious penolakanya against war, colonialism zamannya in a very minor for the critique.
Decade 60-an era that became the movement counter pelopori in the culture by the younger generation, represented by symbols of resistance The Beatles in the UK which can be simplified through a single word that is "anti kemapanan movement." Like others in New York, a style of Punk music, such as The Dom, The Fugs and again that the U.S. government drop the "CIA man" and "Kill for Peace", the longer the Fugs band known as the anti-social.
Over various examples abroad, how to with Indonesia? Iwan Fals figure, he uses music as a medium for criticism of state policy. With music Iwan try presenting the real condition of our nation's transparent and forthright. Authorities do not care for the polecat in the spirit and confidence to menyampikan what is seen. As the song lyrics in a letter representative of the people "should people Deputy merakyat, do not sleep when the council concerning the people."
Moment with the current condition of Elections, said that the democratic party for the people of Indonesia, positioned himself as the music. Playing songs "provocation" of the people to succeed and even the Election, the music can be used to make the people no longer matter and the political cuek in this beloved country.
We live how we use music now. Either as perpetrators or as music of the mad-akan lyric in a song lyric. Ideologinya and understand the music, the music will not be forever direkayasa and the right brain is in your head!
*)Pangeran Maharruddin* : Chairman of the SME Music Fak. Ushuluddin and
Koord. Institutions and conditions of the study situation (k2s)
wow,pangeran nice meat you