The precision Journalism?
The precise language comes from the word meaning Precision accuracy, accuracy. The simple, precision journalism reportase is a model that uses quantitative methods of social research. That is, the issues, behavior and characteristics of the community, didekati using the method, converted in the numbers, and then analyzed with the conduct of polls, surveys, and content analysis (content analysis).
Journalism precision with the procedures of social research
Between precision journalism research have any similarity with the same review and study the human and social phenomena. Before using precision journalism we must understand the correct methods of social research. Because the "research question" who will be responsible journalism in precision must also be clearly based on empirical data and a strong jjelas not based on rumor, opinion, or buzz.
History of the emergence of precision journalism
Polling born dimedia is the first time in the push by the desire and needs of the media itself to provide a precision on the news readers. Eg, only report the results of the election results do not only rely on observation, interviews with voters, but must be in a sertai research. The concept of the research is not only done dalm social research but also in another topic and a different issue.
When indeed the concept of precision journalism appear? As a regular draft, precision journalism began in the 1970s, but in the United States, precision journalism was practiced 64 years ago. In the year 1935, Fortune Magazine has been publishing results of polls, the polls be trusted as the first made by a media organization. Themes that they lift the usual time-indifferent, for example, about what kind of American cigarettes is actually consumed by many Americans, and the types of cars such as the fact that what many people sought by the United States. Initially, the method used by the United States media is very simple. New in 1960 occurred perubahanpesubahan large --- more than one third of all American mass media to use this method - because the computer was able to conduct applied research so that data processing becomes easier.
Research in the United States mass media-which is the milestone milestone jumalisme precision is research done by the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1973, they designed a large study using 100,000 pieces of court records and files the treatment of prisoners in prison and found that differences in background social and ethnic appeared to affect their treatment in prison. In the same year began the paper published the book titled Philip Meyer: Precision Joumalism, A Reporter's Introduction to Social Research Methods (Indiana University Press, Bloomington). Until this book even now is still a standard reference manual for the precision journalism --- load because a good conceptual discussion about the use of this method. Meyer actually tend to use this method: the application of social science to the practice of journalism. But Everette E. Dennis, director of C) annett Center for Media Studies, Meyer suggested to call this with: Precision journalism. Since that time the name is commonly used.
In the United States, precision journalism was practiced 64 years ago. In the year 1935, Fortune Magazine has been publishing results of polls, the polls be trusted as the first made by a media organization. Themes that they lift the usual time-indifferent, for example, about what kind of American cigarettes is actually consumed by many Americans, and the types of cars such as the fact that what many people sought by the United States. Initially, the method used by the United States media is very simple. New in 1960 occurred perubahanpesubahan large --- more than one third of all American mass media to use this method - because the computer was able to conduct applied research so that data processing becomes easier.
Research in the United States mass media-which is the milestone milestone jumalisme precision is research done by the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1973, they designed a large study using 100,000 pieces of court records and files the treatment of prisoners in prison and found that differences in background social and ethnic appeared to affect their treatment in prison. In the same year began the paper published the book titled Philip Meyer: Precision Joumalism, A Reporter's Introduction to Social Research Methods (Indiana University Press, Bloomington). Until this book even now is still a standard reference manual for the precision journalism --- load because a good conceptual discussion about the use of this method. Meyer actually tend to use this method: the application of social science to the practice of journalism. But Everette E. Dennis, director of C) annett Center for Media Studies, Meyer suggested to call this with: Precision journalism. Since that time the name is commonly used.
There are some important point about the development of precision journalism in indonesia
First, the emergence of private institutions in the current of indonesia is still very new, so not one dasarwarsa implementation of surveys / polls for the institutions that are considered as msih test cobaftes / learning opportunities
Second, because it is still seen as an opportunity to learn this is only a few institutions only poll that the media truly capable in the sense that the research methodology in implementing the correct opinions Rock.
Third, there is no indonesia in the polls that the institution conducting the research with the sample all the people indonesia. In addition to limited funds the design of the sampling frame is not longer supported in the community culture that is closed and can not discuss in open-choice pilihanya. Guarantee the confidentiality of the institution pendapatpun Rock still does not catch.
Journalism precision at this time is expected able to stave necrosis conventional journalism, which only rely reportase through observation and interviews. Journalism precision is expected to bring fresh wind in reportase techniques that have been adfa used in conventional journalism
Object precision journalism
Objects in precision journalism is all the symptoms of the actual social and involve many people, whether visible or not visible. Eg symptoms such as cases of pillage social, poverty, abortion, adolescent mischief and so forth
Characteristics of precision journalism
Journalism is not the precision of the peak in the world of journalism that will replace all of the methods of journalism ever. He was only just complete. He was only appointed in a different way of approach to the world. There is no method of journalism that is higher than the other. In fact, methods such as journalism is what we will use in writing the news is very much dependent of the purpose of what we are tired of writing news. For example, we will aim to write and to disassemble the case of Bank Bali smuggling or plywood in the Tanjung Priok port, then we must use the method investigatif journalism. If we only aim to report an event or seminar international road vote in a village A, for example, we simply use the normal method of conventional journalism. But if we want to know the attitude of people in a population of a particular government policy-for example, with quantitative data -, then we can use the polls.
Model approach to conventional journalism:
Reality ---> Individuals ---> Description Verbal ---> symbolic meaning / Qualitative ---> Social Facts
Model approach to precision journalism
Reality -> Groups -> Description --- Statistics> Statistics-quantitative meaning ---> Social Facts
. The difference between precision jumalisme with social research is usually on the end product. News is a result of the end of the precision journalism. Meanwhile, a book or research report is the result of the end of the normal social research. That is, precision jumalisme made to meet the needs of the wider public. In the process of working pliing have two phases, the first phase of research workers at the polls must comply with the rule-rule scientific, but at the second stage of the poll workers should be subject to the rule-principle journalism. So the results should be written akhirpun model-adjusted and simple language that is clear-that is easier to understand.
Methods in precision journalism
There are three methods in use in precision journalism, namely: Content analysis, survey researh (surveys / polls), Field experiment (field research).
Content analysis method using the documents, records, recordings, or other important files as material analysis. An example of this method is done by the Charloote Observer manganalisa data keumgan election campaign and found a strong correlation between the legislative members of the select and fund a campaign contributor. While the survey method researh using human / community as the analysis. As an example of this method miaslnya poll conducted by LP3ES to analyze trends in public indonesia choose Islamic parties in the election of 1999 blackmail or litbag the poll conducted for the community response on the phone or device and the increase rate of fuel price. Method of Third Field experiment (field research) in this method the researchers conducted research by visiting the places in which akan carefully. Eg, Reader's Digest magazine in 1939 conducted research with the hammering of repairing the clock, radio, and electronic equipment in other important cities in the U.S. and find the fact that more than 50% of the repair has been making the wrong diagnosis. This method is less popular in both conducted indonesia and overseas.
From the three methods mentioned above only the second method of survey research is often in use in precision journalism. This is because in sebabkan access to public documents that the institution in indonesia is very difficult so penilitaian who rely on the completeness of the documents is not possible. Therefore the discussion in this guidance material on methods that emphasize on both the survey research / polling.
Phase-phase polls
The initial stage of all activities is to create a framework of reference / reference framework and the stages in this use as a basis for implementation of activities. Aada several phases that need to be doing in the polls:
• Defining the purpose of polling
Critical issues in the polls is formulated with a precise goal that we biat polls. A goal that we apply this in the end will determine all the instruments in use surveys: The target population, type of informant, the interview and the interview method. Objectives must be formulated before polling polling is done.
• Determine the population surveys
Population surveys in tentrukan by topic and purpose of the surveys will be made. For example we want to know how mastarakat with the implementation of the election, the pupulasi relevant constituency election adfalah
• Determine sampling technique
Sampling techniques to be used at specified polling done before. Better if in a sample framework in order to more easily determine the sample.
Table to make it easier to create a sample frame
• Determine the type of information
In determining the type of informants we must plan the exact types of questions. Are we to measure the attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, or behavior. For example we want to measure the behavior of abortion, then we must focus pertayaan around abortion behavior.
• Determine the time the interview
Design surveys also mempertimangkan whether polls should be made for all the time (cross-sectional survey) or the bundle (longitudinal survey). Differences in cross-sectional surveys with a longitudinal adlah on longitudinal surveys should menayakan the high school each time and see the changes every time.
• Determining the interview method
Interview method should be set before the polling is done, whether to use the direct interview method, by mail or by telephone interview. Pertimbanganya in selecting the method of interview is the time and kadalaman information on the need. Eg surveys of government policy on increasing the fuel we need to be able to choose the appropriate method of interview mengingit this is actual news, and will publish, by phone Polling is considered more effective and efficient to obtain the data as soon as possible on the appeal by mail surveys.
Tekni-sampling technique
• simple random sample
This sampling technique provides the same opportunity to every individual member to be selected in a population of students sampel.Contoh IAIN Sunan Ampel of 4000, every student has the opportunity to be the same sample that is 1 / 4000. If we take as a sample of 400 respondents, then the opportunity to be a respondent is 400/4000 = 1 / 10 this number is often called the sampling fraction.
There are two ways of taking a simple random sample. The first way is to mengundi.cara second is by using a random table.
Use of this method must meet the following requirements, must have the framework and the nature of the sample population kedaan homogeneous population and not too spread geographically.
• systematic random sample
Is a simpler way to taking a sample jikalayu available a list of population with a certain sequence. Systematic sampling is a method where only the first elements are selected randomly while the next element is selected systematically according to certain patterns. This method is in use when there are two circumstances: When the name of the individual in the population is included in the list of regular sehinnga unit-unit can be given a series number, and when populations have patterns of uniform, such as alphabet letters and so forth. How to use this sample as follows: for example, a rudimentary in this population is N, and the large sample to be taken is N, then the results of the sampling interval dinaakan given the usual code K, the first element in the sample selected randomly ago among individual series bernomer 1, and K bernomer unit of the population. You are the chosen individuals bernomer series S, then the next element in the sample can be determined, namely:
Sample first: S
Sample to two: S + K
Sample to three: S + 2K and beyond
Interval is inverse ratio of the sample ie the ratio of the sample for 300 samples is 300/900 (a population) = 0.3 (33%). Sampling interval is 900/300 = 3.
• a random sample stratification proposional
Sampling is used when a heterogeneous population, to describe the exact nature of the population is heterogeneous, the population must first bersamgkutan in layers (strata) and a uniform layer of the new scara random sample is taken, there are three conditions when the road is taken namely:
1 have clear criteria that is used as the basis for this menstratifikasi population dalm layers.
2 must have preliminary data on the population strata.
3 must be precisely known number of elementary-unit of each layer (strata) in the population.
• a random sample statifikasi not proposional
The sample is almost the same as the proportional difference lies in the strata in the sample is not the same as the strata in the population. Could be presented more in the strata, while in other strata of the sample presented kurang.tehknik this if we use one of the number of strata is very small (a little) so that when the strata proportionally, there are not represented in the sample. Many of the amount of the proportion of the population is not balanced strata where a large amount of strata and the other is very small. As according to the military, civil servants etc. eleson.
• The sample cluster
There are two circumstances in which the sample is used the first cluster, region or the area largest sample so that the very wide framework for preparing the sample very difficult, and the two researchers did not have a good sample of the population or if there is a cost that made sanagt expensive. Cluster sample has advantages in terms of efficiency, especially to save cost and time, but this is followed by the accuracy of the sample is lower than the random system.
• Sample cluster proposional
Assumptions used in the sampling of each cluster is a cluster has elements (individuals) and the same number of homogennya, when, in reality, not so oada. For example we will create a sample of villages, the villages that have a harmonious Locals 60 and the other only had peaceful citizens, the researchers must make a treatment or the probability that ratio balanced sampling.
To overcome this there is the development of a method known as cluster probability proportionate to size (PPS). With this sample pemaakaian Residents have the same opportunity to choose the respondents.
non-probability sample
In this sample does not need to have a sample, but easy to do cause distortion, so that the degree of diversity can not be obtained. Even if the non-probability sample used must be forced to set strict conditions, namely when the probability sample is used hard.
8 sample konvenien / Accidental sampling
This sample can be described as a television journalist to the road with a camera and interviewed beeberapa people who met in the street.
8 quota sample
This is from the sample improvements konvenien, researchers mengidentivikasi step is akategori first or characteristics of the sample of people (men-women, high education-low) and so on.
8 purposively / judgment sampling
sample is used in special situations / include samples of khusus.disisni researchers make judgment select respondents in accordance with the objectives of the polls. Sample is used in two circumstances, namely:
- Select cases in order to obtain specific information, such as how we want to know the students thinking about political reform, which entered the sample is pre-activist students.
- Because the sample is very specific because of the theme is also very specific, so that the sample can not be such as to create a Poll about AIDS, the target population is the WTS Surabaya.
Population size does not determine
The large sample size does not guarantee the accuracy of the surveys have been conducted. Although there are adigum that the head of every opinion there is different. If there are 100 head of 100 means there is opinion, but the statement was about the number of samples can be drawings of 100 people earlier
Then N = (pxq). Z
Where: N: Number of samples needed
(pxq): Variations on the proportion of the population
Z: the size of the trust level
E: Sampling error
Determine the sampling error
To calculate the sampling error that is very easy to multiply the value with standard error nilaiz at the level of trust in the will
And to calculate the standard error
Standard error = √ proportion against the mendukungxproporsi
Total sample
Tehknik formulate questions
the desired results from the Poll is accurate or precise, and it depends on the kredebilitas sample. And that can be achieved if both kuisioner used. And it is supported with a question of good and quality, as formulated question itself is subjective from the objective. Kuisioner or questions prises is a creative, half art and half the other scientific.
A question is a tool in measuring Poll, someone can find out opinions, reasons, desires, and the value of keyakunan questions, however all the concepts and methods terancang well, not akan berguana question if we do not understand and can not be understood, however because it will be affect the answers.
- Create a perspective (frame) of an issue.
When creating Poll, the need to find a perspective from a problem that will be asked. Perspective is taken because so ragamnya-dimensional issues that arise, so we create a frame in the Poll, which later will be more focused in the issues that we akan viewfinder. There are several criteria in the zero frame that appears in the issue.
- Create a keyword in the formulation of questions to make
Often in the words forming a question often be deciphered by different respondents, this problem often appears when there is a word of emphasis tertentuuntuk emphasize Poll question of the articulation, for example;
A form of
1. Do you support the addition of a constitution in order to prevent the U.S. president for his third time:
Yes: 36%
No: 50%
Not answered: 14%
Form B
1. Do you support a constitutional change to prevent the U.S. president for his third time:
Yes: 26%
No: 60%
No reply: 9%
- Formulating a personal question or formal
formal questions put respondents seems as observer
questions involving the respondents in the personal problems
question A form of personal me
1. Do you have life insurance that will pay you with a certain amount each month to the hospital you need in the future. Are you caring for you, so you may prefer it, or how you like to pay more directly to the hospital when you are sick?
Prefer ansuransi: 66%
Pay at the time of illness: 28%
No reply: 6%
Form B
1. Many people who have diverse life with ansurasi pay a certain amount each month in the hospital is needed in the future. Are you the idea this is good or bad idea?.
Good idea: 92%
Bad idea: 4%
No reply: 4%
3. Establish a diverse selection
In surveys, it became the biggest difficulty, is to make the question in question is closed. If you use open questions, the respondents can answer the question without being restricted by the question. Unlike the closed question, respondents are limited to the question of the alternative answers provided.
4. Determine the question which of precedence.
Art ask the others in this case the question is determining which take precedence in making questions to the respondents.
A form of
1. Do you think taxes are very high at this time or are already good enough?
Very high: 31%
Already sukup good: 43%
Very low: 1%
Not answered: 25%
Form B
1. Do you think tax at this time is quite good, or very high?
Very high: 31%
Already sukup good: 41%
Very low: 1%
Not answered: 27%
5. Create additional information in question.
Arts need to ask is not to provide additional information on the issue asked. There is no information and can affect the answers, especially for respondents who have not previously heard or knew about the issue.
A form of
1. Many people think, after the Russian, British, must now be against Germany, and is not necessary for our country to help the UK. Do you agree or disagree with this statement:
Agree: 20%
Disagree: 72%
No reply: 8%
Form B
1. Many people think, after the defeat against Germany in a few weeks, now exert full strength against the British. This is a good time for us to help the UK. Do you agree or disagree with this statement:
Agree: 71%
Disagree: 19%
Not answered: 10%
6. Create alternative answers that question in a neutral
Art ask the others in making closed-format question is how menyususn format that answers adapat collect diversity of respondents.
A form of
1. In response to political issues that have at this time, whether you're in the position of liberal or conservative?
Liberal: 31%
Conservative: 44.4%
Both middle-Ditegah: 16.2%
Do not know: 6.3%
Form B
1. In response to political issues that have at this time, whether you're in the position of liberal or conservative, or in the middle of both?
Liberal: 16.9%
Conservative: 24.5%
Both middle-Ditegah: 53.7%
Do not know: 4.8%
How good is the question?
• Avoiding bias in the question.
• denigrate one side
Whether the police have to prohibit the demonstration by students outside the campus?
Comment: This shows only one side of an issue that encourage respondents to leaning on the alternative in tonjolkan
Whether the police should prohibit or allow the student demonstration outside the campus
• Eliminate the name
At the head of the general election PBNU, who value your right to lead the NU, Abdurrahman Wahid or the other candidate
Comment: This question is not comparable because the alternative name in question Abdurrahman Wahid and the beautiful gray, which is between them, the value of your right to lead NU
• Avoid questions which means ganda
Some, all, and, worse, can, never, participate in, or less, such as.
And there are some questions which means ganda
Incomplete, such as whether you participate in the election?
Not appropriate, such as whether you subscribe to newspapers and magazines?
Places that are not clear, as many voters of this area?
1. Approximately. "approximately" are often used to show the value that is close to the value that is close to the actual value. For example, 48% often written "about after." The problem is the distance value so that we can use the word "approximately". In this example, the value of 52% can not written "about half" but "more than half."
2. Bad. The "bad" or "good" can be confusing, especially when the respondents related to the theme or topic that polls kontraversial difficult votes that good or bad. In the event of such respondents tend to answer the sekenanya. For example in the question, "if you escape to foreign funds is an act of bad or good?"
3. Able. The word "can" often dibingungkan with the word "should", "could", or "may." For example in the question, "according to whether you, the student can demonstration outside the campus?" the word "may" in question is confusing, what means may, might, or should be in the demonstration outside the campus.
• Avoiding the Question not be understood
Use of technical words / terms
Use of abbreviations
Double negative
Pseudo relationship
Crinkle crinkle
• Use of technical words.
Copyright are currently in Indonesia is valued?
Comment: in a word or select a term, you should use simple words, avoid technical terms that have not necessarily understood by all respondents are copyright in Indonesia is valued at this time?
• Use of abbreviations.
Do you agree with the akan DPKNPH formed by the government?
Comment: when the abbreviation is not careful can cause confusion respondents. Researchers must consider whether the abbreviation used by the respondents. Do you agree with the board of The resilience of the national law enforcement and the government will be formed?
After the interview data collected, start the analysis of polling data. The first step is to describe your findings with surveys descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics used to organize and summarize numerical data obtained from the results of collecting data in the form of tabulation of data, the percentage of that realized in the graphic or picture, and calculation-calculation can be so descriptive characteristics of the data.
The major part of descriptive statistics is the creation or distribution of the frequency marginal of the describe your answers to each question or grains variable in perangakt data. There are several ways served frequency distribution table.
From 1303 people, 863 to support development plans PLTN Muria, greater than 440, the number of those who oppose development PLTN Muria. Generally more effective to present the findings in the form of percentage. For example: the proportion who support the program in table 22.1 is (863/1.303) x100 = 66.2%. Against the proportion is (440/1.303) x10033, 8%. Table 22.2 illustrates the form of support and resistance in the percentage. Can be concluded that 2 / 3 of respondents support PLTN Muria. Number of cases (n) is always displayed below the percentage that make it easy for readers to check the polls.
Table 1.
Respondents' opinions on development plans before PLTN Muria diprosentasikan.
Do you support or oppose the government's plan to build PLTN Muria?
Support: 863
Against: 440
Total: 1303
Table 2.
Respondents' opinions on development plans PLTN Muria after diprosentasikan.
Do you support or oppose the government's plan to build PLTN Muria?
Support: 66.2%
Against: 33.8%
Total: 100%
Number of samples (n): 1303
Explain the relationship
Results univariat drawing data is usually not satisfactory and further raises the question. Analysis univariat only explain the findings, tidk can be used to describe a more complex relationship. So to explain this complex relationship that we need bivariat analysis in the form of a cross-tabulation.
Example of cross tabulation
Frequency: responses of respondents to the work of Komnas HAM according to education level
Assessment stages of education
Low Medium High Total
Already optimal (%) 11.3 18.7 70 100
Less than optimal (%) 23.6 48.1 28.3 100
Not optimal (%) 59.4 27.9 12.7 100
No reply (%) 35.6 42.2 22.2 100
In the percentage of the line, we have distribution darikelompok which answers come.
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