Glory your parents, the young sayangilah, sambungkanlah strap persaudaraanmu, tongue guard, hold pandanganmu of what is not lawful pendengaranmu you memandangnya and from what you heard is not lawful.
Love your children orphans, whom people had children yatimmu. Bertaubatlah to God from your sins. Lift your hands to hands-on at the time shalatmu because that is the time when most major Allah Azza wa Jalla looked his servants with a loving, He answered them when they call him, to welcome them when they call him and grant their prayers when they pray to Nya.Wahai-man! Indeed, self-spout self-amalmu for charity, then bebaskanlah with istighfar.
Back-back because of heavy burden (of sin) mu, with the ringankanlah extend sujudmu.Ketahuilah! Allah ta'ala swore with all his greatness that he will not persecute those who bow down and pray, and will not threaten them with hell on the human standing before the Rabb al-alamin.
O people! Whoever among you open to give the believers who fasted in the month, in the sight of Allah is the same as the value of a freed slave and he was given a pardon on the sins ago. (Sahabat-sahabat another said: "O Prophet! Not we all capable of doing so." Rasulullah forward: "Keep yourselves from the Fire even if with only sebiji dates.
Keep yourselves from the Fire even if with just smack the water. "O people! Who smarten akhlaknya this month he will be successful through sirathol mustaqim on the day when kai-skid feet. Who alleviate the work of the hands of the right (or the employee's maid) in this month, Allah will alleviate his examination on the Day of Resurrection.
Anyone holding kejelekannya this month, Allah will withhold His wrath on the day he met him. He who glorify orphans this month, Allah akan memuliakanya the day he met him. Whoever the ropes of fellowship (at) this month, Allah akan connect him with His mercy on the day he met him. Whoever decided on the family this month, Allah will judge His mercy on the day he met him.
He conducted prayer circumcision in this month, Allah will write for him freedom from the Fire. He conducted prayer obligatory for consideration as do 70 days in the obligatory prayer other. Whoever said to have Peace in this month, Allah akan burdensome on the scales when weighing meringan.
Anyone in this one paragraph to read Al-Quran, ganjarannya same mengkhatam such as Al-Quran in the month-lain.Wahai man! Surely, the gates of heaven be opened for you, then ask your Lord not to menutupkannya for ever. Fire doors closed, to seek to Rabbmu will never be opened to you.
Demons terbelenggu, then ask that he no longer had menguasaimu. Amirul Believers k.w. said: "I stood up and said:" O Prophet! What's the most major charity in this month? "The Prophet," O Abal Hasan! The main charity this month is to keep themselves from what is forbidden of God ".
O people! you dinaungi akan months by the always great full keberkahan again, the month in which there is a night better than thousand months; month that God has made puasanya a fardhu, and in the evening qiyam a tathawwu '. "" Whoever approach themselves to God with a good job in it, he samalah with people who engage in a fardhu in the other. "" Ramadan is the month of patience, while the patient is the reward of Paradise. Ramadan is the month to provide aid (syahrul muwasah) months and to give God rizqi to believe in it. "" Whoever gives food berbuka someone that fast, that is for the remission of sin and freedom from hell itself.
People who get the food reward as the fasting person without a bit reduced. "The Companions said," O Messenger of Allah, we have not all fast food berbuka for other people to fast. So bersabdalah Messenger of Allah, "God gives the reward to those who give a date, or smack the water, or sehirup susu." "He is a month beginning mercy, forgiveness and finally pertengahannya exemption from hell. He lightened the burden of the slaves sahaya (including here in the house's maid), Allah forgive his sin and memerdekakannya from hell. "" Therefore banyakkanlah the four cases in the month of Ramadhan; two things to bring keridhaan Lord, and the two of you again very menghajatinya "." Two things first is to recognize that indeed there is no god but Allah and ask forgiveness of Him.
Two things that you really need is to ask the protection of heaven and hell. "" He gave a drink to the person berbuka fast, Allah gave him to drink water from my pool with a drink that he did not feel hungry again afterwards, so that he go to in heaven. "(HR. Ibn Huzaimah).