Develop Through Precision Journalism "Polling"
Saturation is often the journalist or editor. They suddenly feel after running out of preposterous things proclaim it continuously and repeatedly. To stave saturation such research, survey, or poll is an alternative which is very helpful. Internal situation redaction diperberat again by the very limited space for the press in Indonesia at this time. Basically, if the consideration is for the satisfaction of the community of readers, then a way for the press at this time India is enriched with performance jurnalistiknya polls.
With surveys, develop public opinion is to be more factual. But, the question is whether to be in the public opinion and have no meaning? Indeed, public opinion is the result of traffic information from person to person and from group to group. The role of polling is the general opinion to the mass media. With the opinion so it becomes open to approved or rejected. Approved with conditions, was rejected with the requirement. There lie the point of a controversial opinion polls.
Indirectly, N Dedy Hidayat of Indonesia stated that the current public opinion does not have any role as well, even so may not have. Because when we look at news in the newspaper, the more the issues of the controversial, the more the press is made by the opinion elite. So, Dedi said, what is claimed as public opinion is often the product is just not the elite discourse and public discourse. This happens because, among other things, the mass media as an arena for different versions of the definition of social reality tend to be more selective in providing access to the leaders of the elite only.
However, irrespective of means or not public opinion, all the panel will need to agree and the importance of surveys carried out for journalistic work. From this experience, for the press, which is the actual problem is not a matter of need or not to conduct surveys, but the issue of what is right to the polling-kan. This is a problem, according to Ashadi Siregar, more institutions because of the press during this week-so the monthly power. Whatever the facts of the press in the social pressure will always get, either from the community all the more and more authority.
The problem in the world of journalism whether Indonesia could conduct surveys of the press? Restrictions on it in the Director General Circular Letter No ppg. 03/SE/1991. Circular Letters which are based on the recommendation of the Council of the Press, in principle, allow the polls by the mass media with the requirements must be supported by institutions of professional researchers who have the scientific credibility that can be.
Not prohibited, but not the green light to conduct surveys. "Rules that can only be felt, no way can be read only," said Riswanda Imawan. "... and to feel a need to be imprisoned first in Yogya," sambungnya leg. But that, sambungnya, although the rule is pitched mengimbau, but actually prohibits. If so how is the case with the mass media that the device has adequate professional and have the academic credibility? Can the mass media is doing its own polling?
From this experience, according to Mindra Faizal Iskandar, conduct surveys and polls proclaim the results are two different things. Conducting a poll reveals the ideas from the start, preparing the proposal, research instruments, field data collection, data analysis, to penyimpulan practical congruent with a social science research in general. But when a job after the polling was conducted, then the second stage, immediately the other one, that is writing reports on the surveys to be. In the first phase, polling workers should be subject to the rule-rule scientific, while the second stage, the author surveys must comply with the rule-principle journalism.
POLLING new journalism means that when the facts of social progress and scientific information to be packed. However, the extent to which factual truth that is found in the surveys may be made by the press? Moreover, the press in Indonesia, which is always a threat from a variety of license-up, screening reporters, telling the control of, or pressure through professional organizations that are a part of the corporate powers of the state?
To support the quality of public opinion that will be sought through surveys, researchers should always examine the validity metodologis carefully, cautiously, and awake. For, even validity methodology is far more important than the results of surveys. However, validity is a methodological issue when conducting surveys. Meanwhile, when the results of a poll made through mass media, that not be a problem kerapkali validity aspects of the methodology, but the color in which the general findings of these surveys. Throughout the color does not hurt anyone as well, then all the world nod-nod.
But when the results of surveys that color berkonotasi harm or attack the interests of certain parties, the polls must be researchers prepare for a variety of comments and even scorn, from the polls until the polls crap hogwash. And weapons which are used to degrade the polls is a methodological aspects of validity, even when the pengritik that is indeed the general public in the field of methodology.
Communication constraints are the results of surveys, RH Siregar, as a result of the reality of cultural plurality and the Indonesian people who can not fully accept that the substance produced by the polls. News certainly can not be released from the provisions of ethics apply to the Indonesian journalist. One of the principles of ethics that says that not all facts, events and information suitable for broadcast, especially those considered to be dangerous to the safety and security of the country, unity and nation, offend religious belief or a group of protected Act, as RH Siregar.
Presents the news in more claims are true professional journalism. Coverage of the press or mass media does not necessarily only with just enough to reveal the facts as seen by reporters, who heard from persons of known and / or through interviews. More than that the press should also reveal the truth, so Atmakusumah Astraatmadja.
And to reveal the truth in that, according to the Atma, the pattern of work should be improved methods of investigation of coverage by using conventional techniques menyidik, examine, and investigate the facts to the precision journalism (journalism Precision). News coverage of a method using the methods of quantitative social science research in which events, characteristics, behavior, or attitudes changed to numbers to be analyzed and that the conduct surveys, polls, and content analysis. Development and improvement of journalistic paradigm of conventional journalism into journalism paradigm precision, according to the Atma and Enceng E. Shobirin Nadj, mainly aims to improve the dignity of coverage. Do not for a year in tens of journalistic interviews only on-course interviews, Atma firm.
Historical surveys of the press in Indonesia is running very slow. During the Dutch colonial everything about the community is always decided according to the power of the ruler alone. When Indonesia gained its independence, both in the Old Order era and the beginning of the New Order was the situation not change much even with a different reason. Until the mid-1980s, many public opinion through various actions appear demonstration. The situation began to change along with the start menyurutnya trust of the people as a demonstration of the way the pendulum mechanism.
Polls at this time as a way of precision journalism in Indonesia get the place. All participants acknowledge that the discussion is the cost of polling is expensive, so not all the media can do. Not socio-political constraints, as has been described above.
Journalism precision with its polling is expected to break in stagnation in conventional journalism in Indonesia. Although still only have to realize that in choosing to issue in-kan-polling, polling researchers must still consider the criteria of three (3) secure the following: secure from threat dicabutnya SIUPP, safe from the threat dimusuhi by political elite / bureaucratic, and safe from the threat didemonstrasi by certain groups of people, so Mindra.
Of course, Atmakusumah worried to see the quality decline, saying: Isn'T precision journalism, journalism as conventional comprehensive reports are here already start missing. Discussion all participants agreed the importance of polls by the press which can be used as one way to find the news while cultivate precision journalism.
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"Polling" Bridges Towards Democracy?
POLLING or poll, nearly has not got a place in the social-political system of Indonesia. In fact, more in line with the strong flow of democratization, surveys can be one of the important factors for tegaknya democracy in this country. To underscore the importance of the role of polls, both as a form of journalism is working precision (Precision journalism) as well as the empowerment efforts of public, Daily Kompas Panel Discussion organized on 12 November 1996. In a panel discussion that is guided Daniel Dhakidae (Litbang Kompas) is N Dedy Hidayat (UI), Iwan Gardono (UI), Riswanda Imawan (UGM), Ashadi Siregar (UGM), Sutjipto Wirosardjono (former Deputy Head of BPS), Atmakusumah Sastraatmadja ( Dr. Soetomo Press Institute), Enceng Shobirin Nadj (LP3ES), RH Siregar (Dewan Pers), John Supranto (BPS), and Mindra Faizaliskandiar and Ikana Mardiastuti (Litbang Kompas). Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. HA Muis (UNHAS), delivered the opinion in writing.
The discussion presented in the four words that are developed by staff Litbang Kompas, Octovianus Mote and Bambang Setiawan. One load on any posts MAIN page and three pages on any posts POLITICAL ONE substantial question that appears when a poll is held: whether there is public opinion (public opinion) in the community? If public opinion is not considered important, surveys do not have practical meaning whatsoever. Polling public opinion or the collection, in addition to working to strengthen information journalism is seen by the panel discussion participants have very close connection with the issue of democracy. Polling can improve the quality of life for democracy, and to give donations on the democratic political mechanisms, for ensuring information flow from bottom to top. It also functions as a means of control of the existing political mechanisms. Surveys, according to the views Riswanda Imawan, it is necessary to create mechanisms remain responsive to the political development of the thoughts that occur in the community.
Although in the beginning of its development in the United States is one of the surveys of social research that is used for market research purposes and exploring opportunities for presidential candidates, but then developed a method for mengartikulasikan perception or political aspirations of the people. Therefore, according to Enceng Sobirin, surveys can be a tool or a means to refine or improve the quality of life for democracy. And democracy, according to Hidayat Dedy N, can not is not a system that put the public opinion as the input and feedback process for all policy concerning the public interest. Ashadi Siregar present, the existence of the poll is related to the two conditions. First, whether the political system is able to force the politicians hear audience.
That is, the meaning of a poll is indeed determined by the presence of politicians, both inside and outside the bureaucracy. If they need a real picture of public attitudes and orientation of a controversial case, the poll is the most practical. Second, considering the public opinion is based primarily on the issues that are controversial or a situation pro-contra, and through surveys, public vote to be termanifestasikan. Therefore, the fundamental issue is whether the pro-contra situation diekspos the polls can be received through the community. In the fascist and communist countries, Ashadi said, the process detects a problem with the run through the social channel Undercover by the secret police. In countries like this, public opinion is usually not considered at all. Efforts to improve public memanifestasikan akan labeled as a subversive action.
POLLING seen as one way for the public to express opinions that have different opinions from the public raised through other channels, such as elections. With a very pro-variations topics that can be extracted and appointed, to a polling mode of the distribution-hood political community which is very rich.
Riswanda even holds, if the election is described as an effort to encompass the aspirations of the people, the polling system can help with how to deliver the aspirations that can improve or enhance the performance of a political regime, without having to wait for the next election. Polling also have pro-Demonstration with a different taste or performance. Other advantages of a polling, according to Iwan Gardono, anonimitasnya nature, which respondents can give opinions directly, freely, and without a secret identity is known by those who votes.
Nature of surveys that provide the same rights to all people to assess and be making a poll can be regarded as a representation of the 'opinion KHA-worthy', or mini-referendum according to the terms Iwan. Surveys in each individual has the same position when they were selected as respondents, so that the aggregate socio-economic status became important not because they are treated anonymously. In polling the right to give the answer 'ti-dak' delivered by an official, politicians, community leaders or have the same weight with the answer 'no' that was delivered by five feet traders, private employees, students or even unemployment. Therefore, the polling organization was considered a positive step by Dedy, namely as a means of public opinion on the status of equal diskursus elite men in the process-defined a social reality.
Effective control of the political system depends on the laws and political actors who supervised. Keberada's political system to make certain polling often lost their role. Iwan give an example that the polls are usually very influential akan election system if the member is a direct legislative (district system or proportional system free list) or the parliamentary system. Similarly, if the selection of the executive (president, governor, regent) made directly by residents. In this system, surveys can improve or threaten the credibility of leaders, so they are forced to be more res-ponsif results of the polls.
In Indonesia, the election is to choose a picture or sign orsospol. Orsospol this is, select and assign representatives to sit on the institutions' representatives. Legislative members thus more bound by the partainya. In this system, the authority of the community to "force" or rate the House of Representatives members, dika-takan can not live, so difficult to expect people their responsibility.
Against the political system such as this, there are some views that appear. According to RH Siregar, thus making this poll to become increasingly important. On the one hand, because the institutions of the people work less, and on the other side because the public demands derasnya akan scrutiny. Things to make pol-ling ignored, according to Iwan thought, public opinion is often regarded as the opinion of the abstract is not so scary for the government. And from the coverage, publication of polls are often technically not "threatening" and rarely the "headlines" than the opinions of public figures. Similarly, the publication of polls, often limited to only one newspaper. Now this does not have a syndicated newspaper even involve many other media (TV and radio) for loading the polls. This has caused public opinion from the figure as opinion maker or builder opinion cited by almost all media to be more influential.
Effectiveness is a polling-based sebe Rapa by far the freedom of opinion guaranteed issue. Not only the freedom of the respondents in answering questions Pollster (the collector), but the freedom to choose a topic, conduct the collection, and menam-pilkannya in mass media. Da-lam development in Indonesia, the polling results are often a way of information and public opinion which is very well be gazed at by the government and society.
For example, among other surveys by PT Suburi (1972), and surveys of sexual behavior by a senior high school students in Yogyakarta (1983), the case "gathered kebo" expressed through the survey by the group discussion Dasakung in Yogyakarta (1984), all of which illustrate that the position Pollster is in good pressure from the authorities and society. According to RH Siregar, cultural plurality and the community can not fully accept the substance of the resulting poll. For people in the compound, a behavior that received a specific group of people will not necessarily be accepted by other people. In addition to socio-cultural background is different, level of education of our society are not the same. For the community which is very complex, the results of surveys can cause shock, especially if the surveys concerning sensitive issues such as related to SARA, habits or customs of a society.
Approach to security (security approach) done by the government against the press also does not make the polls free, both topics that will be taken and implementation is often considered to be the implementing agencies to create surveys should be to re-think. In fact, according to Abdul Muis, the legal system reinforces the press has been the introduction of a security approach to the results of polling for the news.
In situations are still not free and surveys conducted to further strengthen the control of methodology polls in Indonesia, may be re-thought what digagaskan in this panel discussion, namely the need for cooperation antarlembaga professional organizers surveys, may be tangible such APPUI (General Association of Food Research Australia).
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