In another location, a woman faces 52 years appear cheerful in spite of the sun are not since yesterday afternoon. Street still throw smoke and dust of the respirator. However, he did not care. Sweet smile from the lips without lipstick wipe menan-color fun dakan heart. Today's money supply company where he has held an old iron. 10 tons of scrap metal has been sent the price of Rp 500, - perkilonya for two-class quality. Show how much money in the pocket bag. This is the reason women named Hajah Fauziah appeared eskpresi keba-hagiaan through pure color face.
Like Kusnan or Fauziah Hajah the counter to open the old iron in Jalan Demak, Haji Abdul Qodir visible monitor coolie transport that are responsible for the tanks to scrap metal truck 6x2 Mitsubishi FN517. Iron horse dominant color is dark yellow solid despite visible burden 12 tons dipanggulnya. Not the other truck's chute towards PT. Ispatindo. Sayup-mouth sayup Pak Haji, Haji Abdul for a Qodir muttering. Prayer appears to pronounce. Berha-rap so that immediate benefits received.
... Yes, hoping to benefit is the reason for the businessman in beraktifitas. Keuntu-ngan is mutualisme between actors are natural and it is irrefutable. This needs to be implemented in space and to-hidupan with the attitude of awareness that human beings are social.
Starting scarcity
scrap iron
Iron metal variants are derived from iron sand, iron dust, iron and grad ago dilebur to a boiling liquid and solid printing pattern in accordance with various needs. Because the metal is a mineral that when the exhausted akan human exploration by the industry to try menyiasatinya with metal recycling of iron. Iron which would be recycled scrap iron called.
This helps geliat metal industry. Large companies such as PT Ispatindo in Sidoarjo Sepanjang ber-process and hiring more employees. Machine pengepresan PT Krakatau Steel to operate. The scattered body of a car company in the geographic Indonesia jubilance kehidu-pan as they become normal.
However, it is not long. Scrap metal is often referred to the scrap-langkaan. Industrial metals both large and small headache again.
It is ketidakseim-bangan the international market as the shelf-Soendoro, the head of the Regional Chamber of Central Java Indonesia, the Kompas daily dilansir. The other factor is that many pengepul export scrap metal to China. "He said a lot of metal raw materials exported to China because the automotive industry there is very rapid," said Ira, August body of a car industry worker.
Government regulations on taxation of equipment that included mining investors and perminya-kan also influence the scarcity of scrap metal. During this pertam industrial and oil-bangan "forced" to mere-export of equipment that have become scrap metal, because the objects that will be left if the tax remains in Indonesia. Likewise diutara-kan of the Director of Mineral and Coal Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Mahyudin Lubis.
He was sure, pertam-bangan industry and oil industry in Indonesia has the potential to meet the needs of scrap metal in India. Therefore, Mahyudin said, if you want to be able to meet the needs of scrap metal in the country, the government must change the policy on pera-latan should export again. Thus, after a scrap metal, objects can be sold to employers in the country.
Not only the metal that chaotic, the pengepul also choke because if scrap metal is difficult, earnings also are reluctant to enter a-barrel. Hence a number of the scrap iron or pengepul found ready to declare if there is a collector outside the island who want to supply trash, home price match.
Scarcity of raw material scrap cause major initiative for many scrap metal. The more rare an item then the more high-value ekonomisnya. Competition is also revolving. The new and old mutual bere-butan reach the market. And there is no market utmost.
in front
The advantage is the charm memi-kat. Different types of exchange of goods or services is always pretensions. Pretension that is the advantage of ready dipinang. Businesses also have an old iron. The advantage of the duty pemulung search for scrap metal, pengepul that receive scrap metal from pemulung to be submitted and stored on the company, industrial metal, which is the terminal end of the scrap metal. This is the chain scrap metal business.
Not just the iron collected ago but prices have been withdrawn from the specifications for each iron-penen master class. Standard class is the standard price. Class highest points get the same high. Class is one piece of iron and the rest two classes. But there were exceptions. Metal materials used to ship more. "The price of this type of iron doubled compared to older classes of iron. Although the iron-out, this is not including the old iron "said Manaf, pengu Saha-old iron in Benteng Italic Surabaya.
In fact there is no certainty in the price of scrap iron business. Price diten-quality iron from tukan added expertise bargaining. -Sensitivity is required and insting sharply in price determination. Variations in price very much, but the average play between Rp Rp 1500.00-500.00-per kilogramnya. Iron is included in the price category exclusions have different (for more details, see table below).
Prediction advantage also of determining the price coloring. The average scrap metal to take the destiny of Rp-Rp 200.00 from 500.00 perkilogramnya price.
If a pengepul able to supply scrap metal up to 10 tons perbulannya can be hit at least Rp 2,000,000.00. Figures available-but only for the old iron two classes. Not if you use the mike caron-nisme bulk. For example a ship used to sail is not feasible. Vessels will be purchased with the full weight of the death rate, mem-estimate how many tons of iron age, bronze and other metals. Overall the feeling the sharpness of the pengepul. Once obtained, these ships will be cut and dipilah-type pilah according logamnya. Iron, copper, aluminum be ter-own. The purchase process is able to provide wholesale tungan-keun to approach a billion.
The advantage of this business is able to raise the standard of living someone. Many people who are in the economic middle to lower level up to secondary level to the top slowly. Hajj Syukri victory is an example of an economic choice to survive. The Hajj is the result of the sweat farm manage scrap metal business. Even in 2003 he issued an alms Rp 20,000,000.00. Imagine how kekayaannya if zakat rate 2.5% of all wealth.
This is the reason why many people choose to the scrap metal that some people considered not hiegenis. Pesona the aura out of scrap metal profits force people to mene-ngok and recognize that this is a live option. The difficulty of life, scrap metal business is a attractive alternative.
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