Madura in mind the outside not more than celurit, karapan cow, or violence. In the field of economy, people familiar with the sate Madura, pedicab, or scrap metal. On the other hand, Madura, known as the person who is obedient and docile on the Kiai. Outside the region, known as the Madura hard workers, especially in sectors that rely on brawn rather than brain.
'Rather than die of hunger better die fighting', that's the motto of Madurese immigrants home. They start with a slogan that has been ditanamkan the leluhurnya, many original residents settled Madura achieve success in a foreign land.
According to the view of Madura off the fight in the land of other people more respectful rather die of hunger in the land of their own. This view is very different to the tradition that says mangan ora mangan sing ngumpul important that means' do not eat food that are important to gather '. Phenomenon and how the different viewpoints that make people more developed in the Madura land perantauannya than other community. Like the people who run Madura scrap metal business in Surabaya, independence and persistence of Madura is worth diteladani-citizens for the citizens of another.
Anthony Spaeth in a report entitled Bound to Wander depict people Madura is the workers and ulet faithful. They are happy to perform a variety of menial work that is not liked is not the Java.
He also described the existence of the people in Surabaya with Madura interesting. As the busy city, with a diverse population: the bureaucrats, and Chinese traders, and even a small group of people of Arab descent that rogue traders. When observed more closely, people will know that working people are in the Madura terbawah employment. Such as retail cigarette sellers, traders walk, even the metal-metal and wreckage to disetorkan to pengepul.
As expressed by one of Hamath Mataji rich community leaders in Madura, Surabaya that "People do Madura jobs that do not want the Java". Like most people Madura business with scrap iron, scrap iron business, although this is always considered a business or kempro slums. But because of the diligence and tenacity Madurese people do not know a lot of prestige to work in one of the scrap metal that can be quite successful or successful.
So no wonder if many people Madura who can create something that is not useful to be useful. As happened for the citizens of Madura in Surabaya or other areas. Most people who wander Madura search sober-eyed, began to make the results look for waste and scrap metal, iron or goods for the wreckage and then processed into products that have a high quality sale.
From there the Madura survive until the throbbing breath scrap iron. Success does not necessarily make them forget home and family relation. Primordial ties and a strong emotional reason to be. Diajaklah the companion taulan to participate meraup scrap metal business. Berbondong-crowd they go and engage in current round of scrap iron business. When they achieve success was also not forget the other relative. Invites have joined with the same. This happened repeatedly with a business model to establish the same chain apart. Therefore the majority of the scrap metal is a Madurese people.
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