Surabaya night, providing many 'menu options'. Like the smell-the smell religious, available Maqam Sunan Ampel, a guardian of Islam spreader in Surabaya. Every day, hundreds of people from many different directions, there to huddle berziarah. Like that 'outing birahi', available in the area of localization Dolly distance or other places on the edge of berserak-roadside. Jajan like that, the center is available jajan Kya-kya Kembang Jepun is in providing all types of food. Or, if you want a typical food of Surabaya, a small shop in the Jagir Wetan Wonokromo selling sego sambel (nasi sambal), made feasible option.
People commonly call Surabaya warungs' Sego Mak Yeye Pe '. So unique, because there sell rice berlauk pe (ray fish). Location, adjacent to the building Darmo Trade Center (DTC), which are humming-giatnya built.
Public Pe Rice as one of Seller Kaki Lima (pkl) witness at once the victim of Surabaya geliat build shopping malls to the 'dream, so a modern cosmopolitan city.
Yeye procuress or Sumiyati are nguleg (meracik) sambal. This is the sambal, said many customers, is the main attraction because rice pe guaranteed spiciness. Thus, although the pe-fish is exhausted, customers still buy the potluck side dish (eggs or tempe)
where is surabaya?