Basic Philosophy Research
For the debate about the philosophy of research, there are two major streams as a reference, the flow of Positifistik the dipelopori by August Comte and the flow of Fenomenologis the dipelopori by Immanuel Kant. Both streams are melatarbelakangi birth theories used in social science.
Flow positifistik look that truth is something that is by senses, empirical. Because the empirical, it can be measured using certain tools. In the next development, the flow of this quantitative research birth.
Flow positifistik share stages human thought in 3 stages:
1. Phase theology; at this stage, the human knowledge base is always confidence-confidence in the power of the existing outside himself. At this stage of belief appear animism, dynamism which we commonly call it primitive.
2. Phase metaphysics; at this stage that each human being behind that something is real metaphysics (behind the concrete). Views such as this against the apriori clear.
3. Positive phase; the truth is always measured from the real (empirical sensual). Jargon is often used "something can be considered scientific if can be measured."
Flow positifistik also melatarbelakangi the modern world and inspired the birth of the great theories of science until approximately 1960.
The flow of second is Fenomenologis. This flow dipelopori by Immanuel Kant, Hegel, Weber, etc.. This flow appears as a counter of positifisme. According to this flow, the truth is not only empirical, but there is another truth outside empirical.
1. Rational empirical truth. That truth is not something that only real, but what we also fikirkan truth. Pelopornya Descartes is famous with jargonnya "I think, then I have."
2. Empirical ethical truth. The ethics of truth-based ethics particular.
3. Transenden truth. The truth is revealed through faith.
Flow fenomenologis emphasized that the truth is that there is something behind human action. Keyword here is action. For the action is not neutral, but the action is done because there motifasi-motifasi (Max Weber):
1. Rational. That not all human action irrespective of the purpose of the action is.
2. Rational Instruments. That each person will be doing an action if there is consideration fortunately loss.
3. Traditional measures. For example, prayer (motifasi Paradise, etc.).
4. Pseudo-action.
In the next stage of this flow melahirnya qualitative research methods in social science.
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