In the morning at a diner in IAIN Sunan Ampel mahasiwa a grumble-grumble sediri front of his friends. The he can not enter the library because the T-shirt and thong.
He felt annoyed with diber -
Lakukannya student code of conduct
(Kem) in the library. "The
previous regulations did not go to the library seketat that, the important spruce (DIMA-shirt sukkan-red), "commentary.
He is too excessive because if the T-shirt and thong and then can not go to the library. "Library space that is informal, for example, in the spare time we want the library to read to-read recipe book we have to wear shirt and wear shoes, that's just lazy to make students more time to the library to" commentary berargumen while longer.
Also been a student when a library is not allowed entry because the clothing is not considered to be impolite. Somehow what size that is used by employees in the library mem-assessment to provide value-keso in panan student dressed.
Even more unique is a student before going to the per-pustakaan enter slippers that dipakainya in a plastic bag, and to inclusion in a protective carrying case to be exchanged with a pack of plastic in a protective carrying case. In fact it contains a plastic pack shoes, and shoes that can be used for entrance to the library.
Many students complain and feel too excessive diberlakukannya with Kem in the library.
Kem applied in the library since 21 April 2003 with in-pampangnya banner above the entrance. Kem at the per-pustakaan me this much-ngagetkan students, the more they are often out-in the library.
When asked why the library is memberlaku-Kem. Imas Maesaroh, head of library IAIN Sunan Ampel, because the library ter-in the academic space. If you refer to the provisions of the Kem, the fair in the library, if applicable Kem.
Kem Diberlakukannya in the library, according to the Imas Maesaroh, based on instructions Kem chancellor to put in the library. "Because there are instructions from the chancellor to put Kem in the library, then we (the library) memberlakukannya, and applied a few days before we have to do Kem sosia-lisasi," Imas said.
Kem However this only applies to students only IAIN Sunan Ampel. For example, there are visitors from outside the library IAIN Sunan Ampel, they do not apply Kem. "If there are students outside IAIN Sunan Ampel here and they are not in accordance with the provisions Kem akan we still serve" Imas said. (DONNA_LPM SOLIDARITAS_BERANDA)
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