By: Riri
Size is so small, 2x3 M. Cat rooms have walls of bamboo rather opaque lights petromak because, in case the PLN had to be quenched. Dudut rooms every wall there are many photographs of Baal, the fancy case he will be like that. Inside the room it is a dreamy girl sitting on the bed almost obsolete eaten later, it seems that residual bed buyutnya first. Desanaya cold atmosphere, felt very cold after more than a year he had to go home from the village to the city, the air can not be a compromise to get secuil science.
Ayu, that is the name of the girl, named according to the face is truly beautiful. Tweak-tweak and psychological pressure are present in the life of late. He is living this new world, 19 years old, the age and mature for a teenager to find the identity and end the period starting with the symbol pubertasnya excite kegembiraanya with his friends to go to the sebayanya adult challenging.
A diary is lucek above pangkuannya. Diary diangapnya as a silent witness of his life journey. He wrote all that which is dibenaknya, he devote all suspire kesahnya, like a guy who left Arjunanya go, diarynya the end of the book, most in the end, and forever he will not menulisinya again, he was writing "I, representing WOMEN ARE aware of their rights to obtain WANT JUSTICE TO MY rights as HUMAN AND WOMEN AS "
"Bu ... get breakfast, fast bu later went kekampus Ayu late, bu ..." Ayu screaming sneakers while installing the rather quite ugly.
"Yes, Nduk, the mother just lauknya heat, wait a minute ya, nduk ..." without listening to the words of the mother, ran pretty direct and to leave her house go kekota explore science for the future.
Sesampai dikampus elite that, Ayu, a village girl who is very energetic and smart, a lot of friends back ask themselves in each. Scholarships prestasilah that accompany him kekampus he idamkan, initially, his father does not agree Ayu dikota search for knowledge, many reasons that dilontarkan the father later said only women can be didapur course, I continue to perlulah Perguruan high, especially kekota. Different with the Good, the older sister only wayangnya also have contributed to education at the University of favorite Jogja.
"Ayu, Mahapala you join in, do you cook that can mimic kakakmu, sweep the competition Mahapala level Java and Bali, 'kan lumayan. Lagian, Yu, you can be Happy, roads, basic seneng tho'" one of sohib Ayu persuasifnya speak the language.
"I '... ah useless, ortuku I ngizinin, crap!"
"Lho What, you 'kan sudan students, you lose the same Mas Bagusmu, insurrectional dong, interruptions, kek, protest, demonstration, show a sense de el el ..." the other to provide defenses Ayu.
"What's more, does not agree, does not agree .... What is free speech deh, nggak akan masalahku finish this."
"Yes already, you nyesel later, though in a sense, you!" all his friends leave out Ayu Ayu on its own.
In lamunannya, he looked a moment plasterboard ceiling space course that is quite foreign and distant to the ceiling only roofed houses tile. Following the desire Mahapala Ayu since before he set foot dikampus this, but ....
Until now he is very grateful impiannnya Good as Mas is in front of the eyes, wish him a very idealist want to keep the world from extinction.
"Ayu, roads to the mall, go ahead. ... Yes kongkow-kongkow there. Mumpung the Academic Faculty at the meeting discussed the education system and curriculum in our helter-skelter." Bring along one of the more Ayu who dress up his super funky.
"Nggak ah ...." Ayu try again in lamunannya.
"Oh ... you fear the same ortumu again, the same fear bonyokmu again?."
"Nggak, ah walk in a mall can have benefits. Mending to the discussions with colleagues." Ayu issued dalilnya
Huh ... basic village children, a gaul, a funky, kuper! Important that we are now happy-happy first, Yu, Ortu affairs so that it matters! "Scolding them.
Again, feeling depressed Ayu, dilingkungan that the girl should not be there.
Tesebut different feelings with perasannya in the village, every day he returned to the village with a good reputation and image in his place, that a Ayu, children of poor farmers are able to Higher education in the city.
Ayu find between the discussion with his father, he met with his father who is diberanda front of his house, again ngemong bird kesayangannya.
"Pak, Ayu want to talk, Pak?"
"What, nduk, SPP problem, inikan new 18." Mr. Ayu indeed often have to pay fees that amount each month is not enough to cover the cost of living of his family. Mr. spoke the child regardless of the face while still gadisnya feed piaraannya.
"No, Sir. Ayu Ayu want to talk because you want to participate once Mahapala, Pak"
"What is Mahapala, Nduk?" a father who sat dikursi bamboo reot.
"Mahapala the student nature lovers such as climbing mountains, that lho Pak, as followed by Mas Good." Ayu face didamprat miserably afraid of his father.
"What Nduk! You are a woman, a woman, you do not deserve the things that made men. That is the task of men, Nduk!" Mr. sebijaksana may speak, but have the impression that angry face wrinkles diraut eaten age.
"Ethnic women can not perform work that should be men, now zamannya emancipation, pak! I, representing all women, have year 8000 we live dialam Pathriarkal, women must be subservient to men, itukah called justice, Pak? "Ayu as sehatnya of mind.
"You are ngomong opo, Nduk! You have a limit too, you get the father kuliahkankan dikota wong pinter so, why are you so well." More and more fathers Ayu talk sebijaksana possible.
Ayu tepana just speechless, he was afraid! His father does not hear the speech again strong in fact that his father does not understand what their own expression termed Ayu.
Dikamanya the crowded and stuffy, more and more beautiful to foreverglo diary luceknya. Untung cold village entrance pass midst bambunya wall. In the diary, Ayu save himself a million questions in a time that will find a million answers in dirnya.
"I GO IN EVERYWHERE, EVERYTHING I CLIMB" motto that is written on the front page Ayu books daily, is just hogwash and very absurd.
Ayu rise of rooms for bersua mother with his father diruang guests. Suddenly his father menyeletuk.
"Bu, children gadismu that, lho. Tadi siang talk exotic cooking he would like to join The Good PA kayak that, ma'am. Ngaak pantes toh." Cigar smell sting of his father's nose to the lungs Ayu.
"But, Pak. Ayu 'I want to participate, Pak. Mahapala Following the SME keinginanku since before Ayu study there, Mr." Ayu return indicates miserably face.
"The point is not! That made men." Again, Mr. Ayu maintain lakinya-status men.
"Oh ... so the father is still maintaining the manliness father! What the father did not work, and only care that it is the father Puja existence, while the mother must work disawah and then sell the results sawahnya kepasar, whether it is the task of women, Pak! Fact not so, Sir! men explore the work of its duties to his family during this menafkahi replaced the mother as the woman, who called itukah justice, Sir! "
Prakkkk severe blow from the hand of the father landed great Ayu Ayu dipipi mulus. In reflex, Ayu kelantai darted front of the head and left hand hit rattan chairs.
Ibu Ayu still glued only mourn crying virgin only wayangnya. And when, he was aware that during the time he did not obtain any rights secuil that of her husband as the real men.
Ayu psychological pressure from the oppressed of his father made. When awakened from death sementaranya kissed his head after the rattan chairs, snug, day night he fainted.
With the rapid movement, Ayu membukan diarynya again. He can no longer hold emosinya. But, he still have a conscience to think more rational and logical, but, gesture to his father wanted to make very fast capat-mennggalkan world. He was still sitting in the ranjangnya, bongkahan glass is digenggamnya. He re-write the words in wisdom diarynya, that finally, she was all dark, very dark petromax when the fuel runs out. Diary luceknya still dipangkuan manisnya.
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