Banyuwangi Regency, a regency in East Java, Indonesia. Banyuwangi is its capital. This district is located in the eastern most tip of Java island, bordered by Situbondo District in the north, the east of Bali, in the southern Indian Ocean, as well as Jember Regency and Regency Bondowoso in the west. Ketapang port connecting the island of Java with the Pelabuhan Gilimanuk on the island of Bali.
here I will try to research on existing Pesona tour in Banyuwangi.
Mount Ijen -
Plengkung-familiar world in a G-Land
Agro-tourism in the existing kab.Banyuwangi
Mount Ijen is an active volcano which is located in the Regency of Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. This mountain has a height of 2443 m and has four times the burst (1796, 1817, 1913, and 1936). To climb this mountain to be departing from or Bondowoso from Banyuwangi.
Climbing route
To reach the mountain of the Ijen Banyuwangi, can increase angkot stretch Banyuwangi - Licin - Cashew. Cashew's trip followed the Paltuding or ride motorcycles with a car transporter vegetables. Main gate to the Nature Park is located in the crater Ijen Paltuding, who is also a Post PHPA (Forest Protection and Nature Conservation). Alternative route is Bondowoso - Wonosari - Tapen - Sempol - Paltuding. Other facilities that can be enjoyed by visitors, among other tourist huts and stalls that sell upgrade needs to witness the beauty of Ijen crater.
Paltuding from walking around with a distance of 3 km. Initial orbit far enough weight 1.5 km climb due. Most of the lines with slope of 25-35 derajad. In addition to ascend the sandy soil structure so that the weight increase due to step foot must hold weight in order not to sink back.
After beritirahat Post in Bunder (post is unique because it has the form of a circle) next path relatively sloping. Besides tourist suguhi of the climber in the mountain chain that is very beautiful. To descend to the crater should be across the field berbatu-stone as far 250 meters with a steep conditions.
nearest lodging (pke commonplace in the front) is the Ijen Resort, right in the village Randu Agung Village Licin Kec.Glagah Kab.Banyuwangi.
Climbing route:
start early in the start of the Village Cashew (special hobby do trekking) to Paltuding with approximately 17KM distance (within 5 minutes walking).
naek car I think 1.5 - 2 hours nyampe.
paltuding from the peak (+ /-4km) distance rata2 1,5-2 TPI hours depending on the physical person.
Plengkung around the beach there is also an object of interesting attractions, especially for those who are happy adventure, the National Park Alas Purwo. National Park Alas Purwo who "manage" Beach Plengkung this is an area of tropical forest ecosystems with lowland coastal vegetation and mangrove forest. Plengkung addition, in the area Purwo Alas, there are also Beach and Pancur Trianggulasi. From both the beach can also be witnessed by the beautiful panorama sun down.
However, tourism in the district who mentions himself as The Real Tropical Country (Earth Tropical Senyatanya) terbenahi is not a neat, especially on roads and transportation facilities. Many tourists who complain about how difficult it is to reach Beach Plengkung, Ijen crater, Sukamade Beach, and National Park Alas Purwo with the public. In addition, the buoy-beacon to guide the various tourism is also very minimal, so it was quite difficult for tourists who want to visit.
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