the Student Movement
At this period the struggle of youth born fetus Indonesia: Budi Utomo. Its mission, has the concept of the struggle of nations to be separated from the Dutch colony. Transformation of the nation struggles to issue the youths performed through small forums.
Gerakannya are culturally through regional organs: Jong Java, Sumatran Jong, Jong Ambon, Madura Jong, Jong Selebes, Youth Pasundan. Because the strength of colonists are still relatively strong, movements are done in underground.
At this period the youth movement for the struggle of a mission with determination. On 28 October 1928 Youth Oath declared a symbol of a determination that the struggle of youth against the colonizers. So that the post-declaration of Youth Oath pop propaganda and resistance to the realization of freedom, both physically and diplomatic.
Student movement has a mechanism for differences in the struggle of the Japanese occupation. Differences mike caron-nisme struggle that lies in the way only young people achieve independence (alternative bid strategy among youth), but still have an orientation that is the same realization of independence.
Post independence, the student movement of the two challenges in the mem-pertahankan state sovereignty. First, students are exposed to the rules governing the establishment of mechanisms and apparatus of the ideal. Second, students and youth should be moved back to face aggression imperalis West.
The first post-election (1955), students and youth into position control performance of government agencies. But the second post-election (1961) split the student movement. That because of differences in the ideology of each organ students and young people. So the president Soekarno government often mass upheaval by youth and students. This situation is used as a military instrument of power kepen-tingan finally able to topple the regime Soekarno.
Government does not want any new activities because students are considered possible national stability. Even critical attitude in the student academic environment is also considered mele-cehkan and endanger national stability.
Therefore the stronger conditions in the 1980s. Each critical attitude towards the government was accused as a trick. Any action of law critical snared subversive. Hegemony of the stronger diper-tengahan year 80-an.
In the 1990s students in the intensive agenda of government. The end of 1996 the economic crisis. Students shout loud again jargon mengusung changes to successfully overthrow Soeharto's regime.
1999 -...
Has come the era of reform. Students get back in the pulpit kebebasannya academic, organized, and berpen-can be critical. Action to claim the student government popularity made. However omniscient-student movement in the era of reform would not be interesting for my community. Action because the student is not assessed objectively in the agenda of government. Student movement is often considered ditunggangi political state bureaucrats. In addition, student actions are considered mem-perparah crisis of the nation. Terbukti every movement of students to the government to effect transfer of power or economic circumstances that are not stable.
Are in the student, the student movement split because of differences in ideology and way of approach to the nation out of crisis.(RISET OF SOLIDARITAS NEWS 2004)
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