WAS Rendra called original Willibrordus alias Surendra Broto Rendra H Rev. Solomon was born in Solo, 7 November 1935. Rendara of education in the Faculty of Literature and Culture University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, but did not graduate.
Rendra then proceed to study in the United States precisely Dramatical American Academy of Art, New York (1964-1967). Sekembali from the United States, then the familiar Rendra disapa "Si Burung Merak" is founded Theater Workshop in Yogyakarta and at the same time to be leaders.
Artists and cultural leaders urged the Indonesian House of Representatives in order to seek development-talan all kinds of certificate or license pe-nyeTenggaraan all forms of arts activity that is not clear pangkalnya edge, to prevent ter-jadinya restriction, cancellation, and revocation of permits shows haphazard, and mem-pertahankan principles of transparency that is now starting to signs will expire.
Pressure is delivered approximately 60 artists, the self is one with the keeper of the Arts Council of Jakarta (DKJ) dipim a pin-head, Noorca M Massardi, and the artists, led by WAS Rendra in dialogue with the Commission I DPR RI, led head, H Imron Rosadi, SH, Building the House of Representatives in Senayan, Wednesday.
Attend the event, an-other counterpart, Chairman Dr DKJ. Salim Said and Yulianti Parani, Director of TEAM Bur Rasuanto, Director of Yayasan Kesenian Jakarta Pia Ali-syahbana, Adi Kurdish, Putu Wi-jaya, N Riantiarno, Sutardji Cal-sum Bachri, Chairul Umam, Sukahardjana, Iravati Sudiarso, Soemardjono, Ramadhan KH, Eros Djarot.
Selaih the dialogue sung berlang-violent, lunch narinya faction PDI specifically called WS
Rendra dimintai information for a more complete reading of the prohibition puisinya two Olen pohsi. In either event, Rendra also requested a second reading puisinya pi-stated rights that prohibited the police, but by the House of Representatives expressed the same sekah not prohibited. Namely, "De-mi Rangkasbitung People" and "A Prayer in the Rotterdam Youth Rangkasbitung" the me-mukau and make a number of members DPRmenitikkan tears. In the nervous and concerned about the beginning of the meeting with the Commission I, which Noorca me-mimpin artists with WAS Rendra, pernyata convey an artists and cultural and consists of three grains that are created because there have been several cases of prohibition menimbul-kan concerns and Anxiety. "Not only in the environment and cultural artists, arts managers, funders, and audiences, but also in the Indonesian community in general and te -
it also cause a bad image in the community internasio-nal, "said Noorca.
Also say, the kepo-lisian act has been excessive and has been a culture of police and judges do not regard the procedure, Hubung antarlembaga-an, and the convention - kai-dah law.
Runway that is used as the basic licensing law and the prohibition refers to the rules and Old Order laws, which have overridden some poetize Rendra, staging "succession" and "Opera Kecoa" Theater by commas, and reading rhythm Rendra ber-title "Megatruh 'in competition Read English Poetry Month in the se-DKI TIM, 19 November ago. "It is too unilateral, in-ik lim scrutiny as now, when the assessment of art works done by law enforcement agencies in a way like that," said Noorca.
In order to avoid an kercsah and concerns, the artists in their statement urged the parliament to seek the cancellation of certificates or permits for the crowd of all forms of arts activity. "Fine Arts Center in Jakarta, TIM, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ), ring-gang youth, and places the enforcement activities of other legitimate selu-ruh in Indonesia," said a statement read Noorca with it.
If permission still necessary, the artists have requested that dike-luarkan without limit of time, as-gaimana License Pener-bitan Press (SIUPP) for print media. "Although the principle is, permit enforcement of the arts as ka-mi does not need at all.
Also raised, the most entitled to assess the work of art or performance art is public, so that when a work of art has been legal action to provoke, make onar, or other damage, ma-ka-pe, and artists who nyelenggaranyalah its seyogia charged to court .
Bad image
Yulianti Parani recently returned from Tokyo, preach prohibition - prohibition in art that gave birth to a bad image of Indonesia in the public eye internasio-nal. "They ask me, what happened in Jakarta, is a revolution has occurred?" Yulianti story.
When the question is that there is no any restriction, except by the director of police, a citizen. Singapore interject, "What the police can prohibit art director? On negen us, even the people fear the police," said: Yulianti laughter that greeted-hadi; rin in the meeting room is a two. ; Not only because the police are prohibited, but how prohibition was deemed confusing \ and likely wishes. "Weird indeed. Our experience, la-rangan it usually comes first, the new three days followed by an explanation about the reasons for prohibition in the mass media," said Riantiarno.
He has three stumble stone restrictions. Ketika mementaskan "Sampek Entay" di Medan, "Suksesi" Oktober tahun ini di TIM, dan "Opera Kecoa" bulan November di GKJ. "What is unique is the prohibition in Medan. The reason was because it was a national holiday, when a rock music from the United States allowed to play at the same time," the story of Nano.
Bur while Rasuanto, kepa-da told the Board how semrawutnya spal licensing art director of the noodles. "Institutions provide the kind permission of - kind of," he said.
Police have Mabes, Ka-Intelpam Polda, and there are other institutions which obtain any kink. "Basic law of any use-kan also different, said Bur asking why there must be a special permit staging WAS Rendra, H OMA Irama, Guruh Sukarno Putra, and to other institutions.
Bur states, due to sim-Pang rustle and not a matter of details, licensing, especially with institutions and could be anywhere in the sudden show forbidden states, "we do not have to create certainty for our activities as the days," said Director of the TEAM . He gave examples of cases showing prohibition "succession" in TEAM. "When I ask the parties to prohibit, the longer the more I know that they do not know what they Disallow it. Also concerning the prohibition Rendra two poems, when I usut, answers his phone is just based on news of poetry is prohibited. What -Where can phone news made by the obligation of grip? " ta-nya Bur.
WAS Rendra Pertahankan scrutiny after the talk-lah Noorca artists as representatives of Indonesia, says pro-ready come to the House of Representatives after me-nepis all kinds of questions that dilontarkan to its people. "There is to ask why the House of Representatives, the House of Representatives do not have yet-to kuasaan anything," the story Rendra. "But, my responsibility, how-are still important dialogue, pitch -
primary among those who have no power, that is you - members of parliament and brother of our artists, which is the same people - people not in power. "
Rendra in a meeting with the House of Representatives, both the Commission and I PDI faction after, became the center of attention because kemam-puannya speak and convey ideas. Forum is a platform for the withdrawal "Si Burung Merak" teak show itself and not the glamor tertiantahkan. The members then read that urgent puisinya recently declared forbidden.
At the Commission I, Rendra read "By the People Rangkasbitung". In meeting with the PDI-F, he urged read-se kaligus with "A Prayer Youth Rangkasbitung in Rotterdam," dibarengi kahmat cajolery Vice Chairman of Commission I, H Ipik Asmasubrata, "you are in the na-dapan the people and not the people per-nan prohibit you membacalcan your poetry anywhere. Now, we ask you bacakan both. "
A number of members in the room-IV seen KK shed tears when Rendra read both poems, a Youth Prayer ..., including the Chairman Ipik and FPDI leading the event, Fatimah Achmad, SH. Comments of the ang-•
§ OTA second place in the House of Representatives terse-ut after reading poetize Rendra, generally expressed surprise why the two poems is prohibited. "We do not melmat the word or sentence that stated should be forbidden from any angle," said Ipik.
"We will bring the two poems to this direct Kapplri M-Sa nusi at the end of this weekend as well," said Ipik subrata.
Rendra express concerns with the implementation of the law lately, which does not tend to be horizontal and ver-tikal. 'We only have legal rights when we are dealing with our neighbors, but when we are faced with the ekseku-tif, only eksekutiflah the memi-liki rights law, while we did not, "said Rendra.
Symptoms that the menu-Rendra Ruth, the main concern among artists and cultural. "The unnoticed that juntrungan and its source is, we create a common political and not participate in the rag-Turan this political game, as if vacant stare board and darkness. As if there is a cat in a sack of political struggle and have ku-cing -cat in a sack ingm end of politics, "said Rendra.
When the scrutiny is over, according to Rendra, then there is the suffering of the body, and pi-Kiran is prolonged. "We already are in a situation that is very unlucky, if ditam akan-flood again?" tanya Rendra.
Rendra then proceed to study in the United States precisely Dramatical American Academy of Art, New York (1964-1967). Sekembali from the United States, then the familiar Rendra disapa "Si Burung Merak" is founded Theater Workshop in Yogyakarta and at the same time to be leaders.
1971 and 1979 he read sajaknya lyric-poet in the International Festival in Rotterdam. In 1985 he followed Horizonte III Festival in West Berlin, Germany.
While some of the puisinya Balada The beloved (1956), Four Bundles rhyme (1961), Blues For Bonnie (1971), poems, rhymes Old Shoes (1972), The Portrait in Poetry (1980), Because By Wind (1993 ), people Rangkasbitung (1993) Travel and Aminah (1997).
Works of the famous dramanya among people in the road junction, and sekda Bird Mastodon and Kondor, Kasidah litany, TROYA War Will Not burst, and many more.
Good bye WS Rendra,
Your still always in my heart
nice coment