Urip Ariyanto
Mojokerto, May 05, 1949
His name became popular thanks to the song Not pickaback frequently played on television. Appearance Surip champion, so he always called the unique also be one of something special. With rasta hair style reggae singer and a freelance tawanya become characteristic of Surip champion.
Pickaback not own it created in 1983 when the champion Surip work in the United States. According to the leader Surip this song has a distinctive philosophy of meaning, that is, the study is wrong.
Born in Mojokerto, 5 May 1949 with the original name is Urip Ariyanto widower with four children as well as grandfather of four grandchildren. Before becoming artists, champion Surip undergo a variety of professions. Start working in the field of oil drilling, diamond mines and even a man who has a degree Drs, Engineering and MBA is never venture outside the country such as Canada, Texas, Jordan, and California.
In bermusiknya trip, he has issued several albums since the start of 1997. Some of the album, among others, IJO ROYO-ROYO (1997), INDONESIA I (1998), Reform (1998), TAK pickaback (2003) and NEW GOODS (2004).
Home in Mojokerto, East Java, still simple and small.
Home canary pickaback is not only measuring 3.5 x12 meters. Look very simple. The contents of the house there are not any expensive furniture. Tiny house is located in the narrow alleys selebar 2 meters in the dead-end alley No. 12, Kelurahan tenant, tenant District, City of Mojokerto, East Java.
Surip champion is still modest although he has achieved success as a musician. Lifestyle is not changed much since the bands' Not pickaback 'demand to be sweet RBT. In fact, champion Surip confess himself more than happy to ride motorcycles car. He felt more favors transfer of the motor to sit nicely on the car. Date Died:
August 04, 2009
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