Sunday, August 9, 2009

about rapendik surabaya indoensia

Mass media is a tool for the occurrence of the mass communication process. Mass communication is communication through modern media such as in the current era Tehnologi Information (IT), which include newspapers that have a wide circulation, which televise the broadcast go to the broad audience that the information can tersajikan and the community as a Public control (media supervisor) or in the film at theaters and on radio Press peruntukkan to the whole society to add insight. Role of mass media in mass communication that is broadcast information, ideas and attitudes on a variety of komunikan in the number of lots. (Effendy, 2003: 79 - 80). Various types of mass media makes the audience komunikan be selective in use. Audience is basically using the mass media bedasarkan motif - a motif and the media trying to meet the needs khalayaknya.
By the use of mass media audiences in general are not only one type of course, audiences use almost all types of mass media for obtaining information, increase knowledge, to find entertainment to educate khalayaknya to always be positive.
Radio broadcasting as a mass media that is also in use by cirri and the audience has a different nature with the other mass media. Radio is different from the newspaper which is the print media and film a mechanical optics. With television, if there is equality only in the electronic nature only. The difference between radio and televise is the nature of the radio auditif, is a television audio-visual.
And the role of radio as mass media in the delivery of a message can not be in sight to the eye. With the flexible nature of the radio, among others, the easy access by various circles, it can be heard in a variety of opportunities and can be heard in various situations and conditions, the radio is one of the important parts in mass communication.
As one of the incentive and stimulation for the growth of interest in hearing the good, the radio on the side of the entertainment media (music, sports and culture) to function as a radio and media that provide information on the influence of high pendengarnya. Radio is also as a source of information on the charge to provide information and knowledge with an effective way so that it can satisfy its audience. Auditif nature of the radio, that is to hear in the delivery of voice messages in an interesting if presented by the announcer in the information provided directly to komunikan (listener). It is interesting that the message is the cornerstone for the audience or the audience memeiliki selective manner in which you want to hear the message heard. Form of message delivery is an interesting resource for the hornet of hearing to listen to the content of messages in gratitute. Message in a unique way with gratitute akan more in mind both the content of messages and information by an effective listener.
The radio program "Smart Parenting" that diperdengarkan on Radio National Education First (RAPENDIK) M. Fm 107.5 & Am 1503 Hz Hz K. treasury provide new knowledge in the delivery of an information about Education (education of good which is packed in a slick create listener meras temperamental to do something positive. Program "Smart Parenting" even be able to Inspiration for Parents in the home, parents in the school (TEACHER), and even the wider community that mendengarkanya, which of course from a variety of background knowledge and level of education, a parent Quick thinking is capable of, and Response in the Right of all things in the course khususkan to a child.
The reason for the ease in Smart Parenting ingatnya program this month because penayanganya 1 x 4 that is appropriate Friday at 09.00 - 11.00 of each kemunculanya always be expected listener has not even wait to exchange their minds to find the positive side of parents who become smart. In addition to the frequency of your program, the form of packaging music note (jingle), Spot focus on education, and originalitas and unique lines and broadcast a program note this event into one of the identity of the listener is able to attract more to penetrate to the life in the listener. Duration of your 2 hour each day to Friday of each program's Smart Parenting with this theme in a variety of Smart Parenting:
1. the communication of teachers and parents, 2. the communication between teachers and parents, 3. excavate potential both academic and children's talents, 4. identify social problems in school children 5. gopher problem difficulty children & parents, 6. gopher problem difficulty children & parents

The program aims to provide information about the importance of the role of parents in educating their children at home, and even labor educators also need to mendegarkan Smart Parenting program in order to be able to add the knowledge that positive emotions, more patience, and of course permaslahan able to accommodate students who have in schools, because of Smart Parenting in the First National Education Radio in Serve this with a slick and in dampingi By Education Specialists, Experts Psikologai (psychiatrist), and of course a teacher as indicators or the last fortress to help students complete the course permasalahanya and many more of Nara and berkompeten the announcer in the field of education especially in the event Smart Parenting First National Education Radio (RAPENDIK). With the form of message delivery and raw materials according to standard English there are challenges in providing information to the audience. The program would have been beautiful to see segmentation and distribution of information needs related to day-to-day experiences and problems for more mengcontrol and supervise the children according to The Code rule-education measure that the world cast off our education in the State of Indonesia. Knowledge of the listener program "Smart Parenting" is interesting for the knowledge, because knowledge of hearing will be mampun tolak measure the success of a program. With the burden of creating a standard program that has been in the past and describe the frequency and duration of the limited broadcasting program, programn radio program "Smart Parenting" in the know and can understand the audience pendengarnya so that the program can be effective and educating audiences participate.
Researchers will conduct the research program "Smart Parenting" on RAPENDIK Fm & Am researchers deemed capable of representing the diverse group of public radio listeners. This bedasrkan of variations and the order of program events that have at most levels of hearing and hearing segmantasi have a different course in each program. In the period of the playback program Smart Parenting for it to be able to play almost zero in the entire segment of public radio listeners of the programs in the event that siarkan in RAPENDIK.
Describe from the above, interested researchers to conduct research on the program "Smart Parenting" program because this event is a program that is educational with unique packaging and a new course, the people at this time with something more like the Revolutionary / renewal and not boring. This study intends to examine the extent to which knowledge of the education of hearing Radio radio program "Smart Parenting" in the siarkan RAPENDIK Fm & Am permaslahan and find a listener Smart Parenting with children's education that provides perspective on the responsibilities of parents in educating children and help them face problems they face in life good day at school, home and in society in their social lives. So that in effect is pengimplementasian can find problems with the exit of Sharing in Education Radio (Rapendik)

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