Monday, August 10, 2009


Uhilla lakum lailatash-shiyamir-rafatsu ila nisa'ikum (Permitted to you on the evening of Ramadan sex with your wives) (QS Al-Baqarah [2]:

This clause allows sex (bersebadan) night in Ramadan, and this means that in the daytime Ramadan,
sex is not justified. Including in the sex is a "sperm issue" in a way what
pun. Therefore, even though this paragraph does not prohibit kiss, or hug between a husband-wife, but the scholars that the
it is makruh, especially for those who can not refrain, as it can lead to discharge sperm.
According to the Prophet's wife, Aisyah r.a., Nabi Saw. never kiss his wife when fasting. Well, for a kiss or anything
besides have sex, and that "wet", then cancel puasanya; he must replace them on the day 1ain. But
the majority of scholars do not require the kaffarat pay, unless he to have sex (in the afternoon
days), and kaffaratnya in this case based on the Hadith of the Prophet is a fast two consecutive months. If not able,
then he must emancipate slaves. If you can not afford that, then he must feed sixty poor people.

For those who do have sex at night, does not need a bath before dawn rising. He is only obliged to bath
before sunrise - at least in the time that it allows the dawn prayer in the holy
time. Therefore the majority of scholars.

f. Wakulu wasyrabu then yatabayyana lakumul khaith
al-abyadhu minal khaithil aswadi minal fajr (Eating
and drink until the white thread of light for you and
black thread, namely the morning).

This clause allows a person to eat and drink (and to have sex) until the rising dawn.

At the time of the Prophet, some time before dawn, carry Bilal azan, but he reminded that not
it is the morning that resulted in restrictions on the top. Imsak held only as a warning and
preparation for not doing the activity prohibited. However, if done, then the terms of the law can still be
be during the morning (dawn of time have not yet entered). Please dingatkan, that we should not too
on the azan, the muezzin can be carry azannya after some time elapsed from the dawn of time. Because
is grounded to stop the activity when imsak.

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