Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ethics is reflected in the words of someone

the act, and how each individual berbusana. That is terimplisit in the Student Code of Conduct (Kem) published IAIN Sunan Ampel with Rector Decree No. 142 / HK.005 / SK / P / 2002 About Student Code of Conduct. Mentioned that the Student Code of Conduct is a set of rules that set the attitudes, words, and deeds IAIN students.
Student Code of Conduct applies to students during IAIN Sunan Ampel in the campus for the academic and administrative activities. It is proper if the Student Code of Conduct is intended as support for the achievement of educational goals in accordance Tri Dharma universities. And in chapter 2 of Kem, Kem that are intended to inculcate in students akhlaqul Karimah IAIN Sunan Ampel.
From research conducted on the contents Kem, there were 17 items concerning the prohibition of attitudes, words, deeds, and berbusana stipulated in Kem. Seventh belas items can be classified in several variables. That is, acts that disrupt the educational process, about the use of facilities, berbusana governance, the administration of fraud, of facilities, acts that violate state law.
And from the sixth variable, the variable type of acts that violate state law Percentage gain most, as many as 10 items found. Second, the prohibition against fraud and administrative governance berbusana, each item 2. While the act of the process of education, about the use of facilities, of facilities, each 1 items.
The withdrawal a rule, have sanctions imposed on individuals who melanggarnya. Similarly, Kem, penalized for students who violate the restrictions-restrictions that are set in Kem. There are 7 types and levels of sanctions in accordance with the level of offense, a verbal reprimand or word; indemnity payment; cancellation rights to obtain services of academic administration; cancellation rights to certain academic activities; cancellation rights to all academic activities in a certain time; dismissal as IAIN Sunan Ampel students.
However, regulations require a clear meaning of the language used as the text of the regulations to avoid the error in interpretation and implementation.

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