Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Apparently not Noordin Mat Top alias M alias TOP

2009 about 10:30 Wednesday morning, police republic indonesia inaugurate a statement about who the person in its Temanggung back. The DNA in Johor in malaysia and indonesia not alias does not match M TOP. However, further allegations are Ibrohim aka Boim, and according to police ternayat DNA match.
Indonesia police officially announced that it is Ibrohim Terrorists. Next question where Noordin Mat Top alias M alias TOP, is still in Indonesia or in other countries such as Malaysia and so forth. This is the incaran police, according to Nanang (Indonesian police) POLRI, that life is a major arrest.IBROHIM reality and the fact that this is an estimate of many observers. Terrorist experts have to give hint-hint that it is not the top M NOORDIN alias. as said if M top, or be under guard kept three or more but in the middle of Temanggung bred only yesterday alone

Monday, August 10, 2009


Uhilla lakum lailatash-shiyamir-rafatsu ila nisa'ikum (Permitted to you on the evening of Ramadan sex with your wives) (QS Al-Baqarah [2]:

This clause allows sex (bersebadan) night in Ramadan, and this means that in the daytime Ramadan,
sex is not justified. Including in the sex is a "sperm issue" in a way what
pun. Therefore, even though this paragraph does not prohibit kiss, or hug between a husband-wife, but the scholars that the
it is makruh, especially for those who can not refrain, as it can lead to discharge sperm.
According to the Prophet's wife, Aisyah r.a., Nabi Saw. never kiss his wife when fasting. Well, for a kiss or anything
besides have sex, and that "wet", then cancel puasanya; he must replace them on the day 1ain. But
the majority of scholars do not require the kaffarat pay, unless he to have sex (in the afternoon
days), and kaffaratnya in this case based on the Hadith of the Prophet is a fast two consecutive months. If not able,
then he must emancipate slaves. If you can not afford that, then he must feed sixty poor people.

For those who do have sex at night, does not need a bath before dawn rising. He is only obliged to bath
before sunrise - at least in the time that it allows the dawn prayer in the holy
time. Therefore the majority of scholars.

f. Wakulu wasyrabu then yatabayyana lakumul khaith
al-abyadhu minal khaithil aswadi minal fajr (Eating
and drink until the white thread of light for you and
black thread, namely the morning).

This clause allows a person to eat and drink (and to have sex) until the rising dawn.

At the time of the Prophet, some time before dawn, carry Bilal azan, but he reminded that not
it is the morning that resulted in restrictions on the top. Imsak held only as a warning and
preparation for not doing the activity prohibited. However, if done, then the terms of the law can still be
be during the morning (dawn of time have not yet entered). Please dingatkan, that we should not too
on the azan, the muezzin can be carry azannya after some time elapsed from the dawn of time. Because
is grounded to stop the activity when imsak.


community life, especially Muslims in general it is not strange connection with the execution of Ramadan is a religious charity called fasting. But still few who know the meaning of Ramadan and the fasting in convincing the wisdom of both the word itself is related to each other that can not be separated. Except for them (Muslims) that draw knowledge from various sources, the ulama salaf (earlier) the sincerity and the spirit of full jihadnya not lost because for the material only. We suggest how very noble confidence in the general community (public) to know it. Why the two words that caught each other and can not be separated? Because the command is a command amaliyah individuals who must not be carried out that other people can find out, then penegasannya also come directly from the Almighty Creator, so that someone is actually mangamalkannya. If not, Allah is Most Knowing jualah against someone amaliyah, Allah SWT said:
â? (Some days that is specified) Ramadan, the month in it is revealed (the beginning) Al-Qura? as a guide for human-explanation and clarification about the instructions and pembeda (between the right and falsehood). Therefore, whoever of you is present (where in the country) in the month, then let him fast the month, and anyone sick or in travel (and he berbuka), then (wajiblah for fast), as the day it left , on the day-to-day the other. God desires ease for you, and does not want hardship for you. And let you recruit numbers and let you glorify God on the instructions given to you, that ye may bersyukur.â? [QS 2 Al-Baqarah: verse 185]

We should see the expressions of this paragraph-sentence. In this paragraph have the word Ramadan is derived from the basic root of the word r â? m â? dl, or in the case consists of the Arabic letter ra â? mim â? dlad origin of the word (madli) ra-mi-dla which means â? panasâ? or â? heat menyengatâ?. Said that developing â? As is common in the structure of language Araba? and can mean â? become hot, or very panasâ?, or dimaâ? nai â? almost membakarâ?. If the Arabs say Qad Ramidla Yaumun?, Then that means â? Days has become very panasâ?.

Ar-Ramadlu can also mean â? Heat rays caused matahariâ?. There are also opinions that Ramadan is one of the name of Allah SWT. In this case the view of the above paragraph may not mean the name of God, because this opinion is weak and does not have a literal arguments.
In Dictionary of English, the word "Marhaban" defined as "exclamation to welcome guests or respect (which means welcome)." He is the same as the Ahlan wa sahlan which also defined in the dictionary is "welcome."
Although both means "welcome" but its use is different. The scholars do not use Ahlan wa
sahlan to welcome the coming of Ramadan, but "Marhaban ya Ramadan."

Ahlan fetched from the AHL, which means "family", while sahlan derived from the word meaning sahl easy.
Also means "low" due to be easy, not like "uphill road". Ahlan wa sahlan, is the expression
welcome, dicelahnya there is a sentence that is implied, "(you are in the middle) and family (melangkaLkar1
at the foot) that is easily the low. "

Marhaban rahb fetched from the word meaning "broad" or field ", so Marhaban illustrates that greeted guests
and received a chest with roomy, fully prepared for excitement and a wide space to do what
of interest. From the same root word with "Marhaban", said rahbat form of, among other means
"broad room for vehicles, to obtain the service or driver needs in order to continue the journey." Marhaban ya
Ramadan means "Welcome Ramadan" means that we held with the roomy chest, full of excitement;
the bitch does not take attendance and "disturb the peace" or our comfortable atmosphere.

Marhaban ya Ramadan, we say to the holy days, because we expect that our life be sharpened and diasuh
to continue the journey towards Allah SWT.

There is a high mountain that must be followed in order to meet Him, it is lust. On the mountain slopes that are steep, shrub
a dense, even more threatening the footpad, and the demons that seduce, to not continue the journey. Increases
didaki high mountains, increasing the threat of severe and persuasion, the more rapid and violent journey also. However, if a determination
become permanent, will shortly appear bright light, and at that time, will appear with clear signs, road signs, it appears
beautiful places to take shelter, and pit-pit clear to release opposition. And when the journey resumed akan
found the vehicle-Ar-Rahman to take the traveler met with kekasihnya, Allah SWT. So more or less
be depicted in the travel books Madarij As-Salikin. Of course we need to prepare a stock for the road
that. Did you know whether the stock is? Seed-seed benevolence we should Tabur in our land of the soul. The determination to become strong
fight against lust, so that we can turn on the night of Ramadan to pray and tadarus, and to worship with siangnya
Dedication to God through religion, nation and state. Hopefully we succeed, and for that let's open a sheet
Al-Quran learn how tuntunannya.

Fasting BY AL-Quran

Al-Quran uses the word shiyam as much as eight times, all in the sense of fasting according to the law Syariat.
Once Al-Quran also uses the word shaum, but its meaning is not to refrain bebicara:

I vowed fasting (shauman), the day
I will not talk to a human
also (QS Maryam [19]: 26).

Likewise greeting Mary a.s. taught by the angel Gabriel when there is doubt about the birth of
his son (Jesus a.s.). It also said there is one each in the form of the fasting month of Ramadan,
once in the form of a verb that states that "fasting is good for you", and once appointed to the
actors fasting men and women, namely ash-shaimin wash-shaimat.

Words that form the party, all fetched from the same root word that is wa-sha-ma the terms of the language
means ranged on "hold" and "stop or" not moving. "Horses that stop running named faras shaim.
Man who attempted refrain from one activity - any activity that - named shaim (fast). The
kebahasaan this, it means dipersempit Syariat by law, so that shiyam only be used to "refrain from eating dar,
drinking, and efforts to remove sperm from the rising dawn until sundown. "

The Sufi, referring to the fact and purpose of fasting, adding that activities should be limited to during the fasting. This
include restrictions on all members of the body even the heart and mind to all kinds of sins.

Also how, shiyam or shaum - for humans - is in fact holding or self-control. Therefore, the fasting
be compared with the long-suffering, both in terms of understanding the language (both means refrain) and the gist patience
and fasting.

Qudsi Hadith that states, among others, that, "Fasting for me, and I gave him that punishment" be by
many scholars with the words in his letter of Az-Zumar (39): 10.

Indeed, only those who have patience to be a reward without measure.

Patient is a person here who is fasting. There are several types of fasting in Syariat / law
disinggung as above.

1. Ramadan fasting obligatory quotation.

2. Kaffarat fasting, the effects of the violation, or

3. Fasting Sunna.

This will limit the description of things around in the fasting month of Ramadhan.


Description Al-Quran about Ramadan fasting, is found in the Al-Baqarah (2): 183, 184, 185, and 187. This means that
Ramadan fasting is required after the new Prophet Saw. arrived in Medina, as Al-Quran scholars agree that the letter of A1-Baqarah
down in Medina. The historian states that the obligations set implement Allah Ramadan fasting on 10 Sya'ban
second year Hijrah.

Whether the obligation is directly determined by the Al-Quran for a full or gradually? See attitude, if Al-Quran
penahapan often do in the command, then presumably the obligation to fast can
said so. Paragraph 184 states that ayyaman ma'dudat a few days) is understood by the scholars as
three days in a preliminary stage, which is the obligation of fasting. Day-to-day is then extended
with the decrease in paragraph 185:

Whoever among you who is present (where in the country) in the month (Ramadan), then
let him fast (during the month), and who is sick or in travel, the obligation for
fast as the days left.

Understanding of this kind makes the verses of fasting Ramadan intermittent does not become one. Refers to the
third paragraph Ramadan fasting as one entity, the author tended to support the opinion that states that scholars
Al-Quran mewajibkannya without penahapan. Indeed, it is not impossible that the Prophet and friend has been doing fasting Sunna
previously. But not the obligation of the Al-Quran, let alone not found one verse is talking about fasting
Sunna particular.

Description Al-Quran on duty in the fasting month Ramadan, starting with one that encourages the introduction islam
to implement them well, without even a little regret.

Note the letter of Al-Baqarah (2): 185. he began with a call intimate, "O those who believe, are required
to you fast. "In what is described here does not require that, also not explained how fast the obligation,
but that first raised, "as required to the people before you." If so,
it also makes sense if the Muslims do it, let alone the purpose of fasting is to fast for the sake of
own that is "so you do right (avoid punishment)."

Then Al-Quran in the A1-Baqarah (2): 186 explains that the obligation is not year-round, but only
"some day," that is only required for those who are in the home place of residence, and in circumstances
healthy, so that "anyone sick or in travel," then he (can) is not fast and it calculates how many days
digantikannya not fast for the day-to-day the other. Are a very heavy feel to fast, then (as
instead), he had to pay fidyah, that is to feed a poor. "explanation above is closed with the statement
that "fast is good."

Then followed the explanation of the distinction Ramadan, and from here came to his command
fasting for the month, but again reminded people that the sick and the way (may be) is not fast
with the explanation given about the rules called fast as before. Verse about fasting obligations
Ramadan closed with "God willed kemudahdn not difficult for you," and ended with the bertakbir
and grateful. Paragraph 186 does not talk about fasting, but about prayer. Placement description of prayer or penyisipannya
in the description of Al-Quran has a secret of fasting itself. Probably suggests that he pray in bu1an
Ramadan is a worship that is recommended, and therefore assert that the clause is "close to God
His slaves, and who receive prayer to pray. "

Next paragraph 187, among others, the permission to have sex in the Ramadan nights, in addition to the explanation of
duration of fasting should be done, that is, the rising of dawn until sundown.

Many information and guidance that can be drawn from the verses above in relation to the law and the purpose of fasting.
Next akan dikemukan sekelumit both associated with the law and hikmahnya, with the underlined word or
sentences of the verses on fasting.


a. Faman kana minkum maridha (Who among you
the sickness)

Maridh means sickness. Disease in relation to the fast line can be divided two large:

1. People do not dapaat fast; in this case he must berbuka; and

2. People can be fast, but with labor or delay healing, he
recommended not to fast.

Some scholars claim that any disease suffered by a person, allow it to berbuka. Scholars of Ibn
Sirin, was found eating in the daytime Ramadan is not, by reason telunjuknya finger pain. Also how, must be
note that the Al-Quran does not itemize persolan this. The text includes the verse is Ibn Sirin. However, presumably
we can say that Allah SWT. deliberately choose such redaction, to submit to the world of each human
to determine yourself whether or not it was fast. On the other hand must be remembered that the person does not fast with
reason for sick or traveling should replace the day-to-day when he does not fast in the other opportunity.

b. Aw'ala safarin (or in transit)

Ulama-ulama different opinions about bolehnya berbuka fasting for those who are traveler. The difference is related
with the distance of travel. In general it can be said that the travel distance is approximately 90 kilometers, but there
also does not specify a particular distance, so that the distance of any place named Safar or during travel,
then it is easier to get permission (rukhshah).

Other differences related to the 'illat (because) this permission. whether due to an element of Safar (travel) or elements
fatigue due to travel. Here, for example, the distance between dipermasalahkan Jakarta-Yogya that the plane be less
of one hour, and not exhausting, whether this can be a reason for berbuka or to pray or qashar
no. This, among others, to die for the review of this permission.

Then they also argue that the purpose of travel to allow berbuka (also qashar and menjamak
prayer). Whether it should aim to travel in the framework of obedience to God, such as the Hajj trip,
at, study, or business, including travel and mubah (allowed), such as tourism and so forth? Presumably
reasons that include the things above as to allow open, more powerful, except when traveling to
maksiat act, then of course that does not have permission to berbuka and / or performed shalat menjamak.
How might those who disobeyed the ease of obtaining mercy Allah SWT.

Also be debated whether the primary for a traveler, or berbuka fast? Imam Malik and the priest Syafi'i
fast rate that better and better for the capable, but most scholars bermazhab Maliki and
Syafi'i rate that it should be submitted to the respective time, in the sense that any choice, then
it is better and the main. Opinion is reinforced by a history of imam Bukhari and Muslim through Anas bin
Malik, which states that, "We are in a journey in the month of Ramadhan, the fasting and adapula not
fast. Prophet does not stigmatize the fast, and not also (they) are not fast. "

There are also scholars who thought that the fast is better for people who are capable. But, rather, some are
berbuka felt that with better reason, this is God's permission. Not well refuse such permission and confirmation
Al-Quran itself in the context of fasting, "God desires ease for you and does not want trouble."

Even Zhahiriyah ulama-ulama Syi'ah and require berbuka, among others, based on his words in verse advanced above,

c. Fa 'iddatun min ayyamin ukhar (of days left on the other days).

Ulama Sunnah sect fourth sentence insert to align on the editorial staff, so that translated more
less noise, "Whoever is sick or in travel and he does not fast), then (mandatory for fast)
as the days left in the day-to-day the other. "

Sentence "and he does not fast" is the insertion by the need of long, because there are so many of the Hadith
allow the fast way, so that the obligations of that, only to the traveler and the people
the sick but not fast.

Insertion of this kind rejected by scholars Syi'ah and Zhahiriyah, so therefore - for them - a must for
people in pain and not to travel fast, and must also change the day-to-day as the other
letter sounds in the paragraph above.

What is left to pay fasting is to be consecutive? There is a Hadith - but is considered weak - which
says so. But there is another history through She r.a. which informs that the first word in there
paragraph that reads fast mutatabi'at, ordered the replacement of the mean (qadha ') that must be done
bersinambung a day without any berbuka until the completion of the required amount. But in the words mutatabi'at fa 'iddatun min
ayyamin ukhar mutatabi'at which means that sequential or bersinambung, then removed by Allah SWT. So
the verse is without these words, as listed in the Mushaf now.

Meng-qadha '(change) fast, if need be, in the sense to do at the beginning of Syawal, or can
suspended until the next Ramadan comes before? Only a small handful of scholars who require that as soon as possible,
but generally does not require that the ketergesaan that, although acknowledged that the more quickly the better. Well, what if
Ramadan is next passed, and we have not had a successor, if there are delays due kaffarat it?
Imam Malik, Syafi'i, and Ahmad, argued that in addition to fasting, he must pay kaffarat form feed
a poor, priest while Abu Hanifah does not require kaffarat with reasons not covered by the clause in the redaction
d. Wa 'alal ladzina yuthiqunahu fidyatun tha'amu
poor (and mandatory for people who are heavy
running pay fidyah, (namely): give
eating a poor) (QS Al-Baqarah [2]: 184).

Fragment at this verse means commentary by many scholars. It's the thought that at the beginning Allah SWT.
provide an alternative for people who are obligatory fasting, ie, fasting or berbuka with fidyah pay. There is also the opinion be ~
that this verse speaks about the traveler and the sick, that is, for both these groups there are two possibilities:
wayfarer, and those who feel heavy to fast, then when is he must berbuka; and there were also among them,
which in fact is able to fast, but reluctant because it is less healthy and / or in transit, so for them
allowed to berbuka with the requirement to pay fidyah. Opinions on the unpopular among the majority
scholars. The majority of this chapter to understand the talk about older people or people who have jobs
very heavy, very fast, so memberatkannya, while he does not have any food source other than the work is. So
in conditions like this. they are not allowed to fast with the requirement to pay fidyah. Similarly
towards the sick can not be so fast, and allegedly will not recover from the disease. Included also in the
message fragment above paragraph is the women and pregnant or breastfeeding. In this case there are details as follows:

Pregnant women and breastfeeding must pay fidyah and puasanya change in another day, if they
fear is a fetus or a child who is breastfeeding. but if they fear themselves, they
berbuka and only required to change the other day, without having to pay fidyah.

Fidyah is meant to feed poor / poor for every day he does not fast. Have argued that as many as
half-sha '(bushel) or about 3.125 grams of wheat or dates (staple food). There is also one of the mud
that is about five liters perenam, and there is more to restore the practice of determining the amount of the applicable
in each community.

Rasulullah SAW welcoming Ramadan Month

In this breath-nafasmu a rosary, charity, prayer and received amalmu-doamu diijabah. Bermohonlah to God Rabbmu with the sincere intention and pure heart that God membimbingmu to do shiyam and read the Book-Nya.Celakalah people who do not get God's forgiveness in the days of this magnificent. Kenanglah with hunger and hausmu on the Day of Resurrection. Be charitable to the fuqara and masakin.
Glory your parents, the young sayangilah, sambungkanlah strap persaudaraanmu, tongue guard, hold pandanganmu of what is not lawful pendengaranmu you memandangnya and from what you heard is not lawful.
Love your children orphans, whom people had children yatimmu. Bertaubatlah to God from your sins. Lift your hands to hands-on at the time shalatmu because that is the time when most major Allah Azza wa Jalla looked his servants with a loving, He answered them when they call him, to welcome them when they call him and grant their prayers when they pray to Nya.Wahai-man! Indeed, self-spout self-amalmu for charity, then bebaskanlah with istighfar.
Back-back because of heavy burden (of sin) mu, with the ringankanlah extend sujudmu.Ketahuilah! Allah ta'ala swore with all his greatness that he will not persecute those who bow down and pray, and will not threaten them with hell on the human standing before the Rabb al-alamin.
O people! Whoever among you open to give the believers who fasted in the month, in the sight of Allah is the same as the value of a freed slave and he was given a pardon on the sins ago. (Sahabat-sahabat another said: "O Prophet! Not we all capable of doing so." Rasulullah forward: "Keep yourselves from the Fire even if with only sebiji dates.
Keep yourselves from the Fire even if with just smack the water. "O people! Who smarten akhlaknya this month he will be successful through sirathol mustaqim on the day when kai-skid feet. Who alleviate the work of the hands of the right (or the employee's maid) in this month, Allah will alleviate his examination on the Day of Resurrection.
Anyone holding kejelekannya this month, Allah will withhold His wrath on the day he met him. He who glorify orphans this month, Allah akan memuliakanya the day he met him. Whoever the ropes of fellowship (at) this month, Allah akan connect him with His mercy on the day he met him. Whoever decided on the family this month, Allah will judge His mercy on the day he met him.
He conducted prayer circumcision in this month, Allah will write for him freedom from the Fire. He conducted prayer obligatory for consideration as do 70 days in the obligatory prayer other. Whoever said to have Peace in this month, Allah akan burdensome on the scales when weighing meringan.
Anyone in this one paragraph to read Al-Quran, ganjarannya same mengkhatam such as Al-Quran in the month-lain.Wahai man! Surely, the gates of heaven be opened for you, then ask your Lord not to menutupkannya for ever. Fire doors closed, to seek to Rabbmu will never be opened to you.
Demons terbelenggu, then ask that he no longer had menguasaimu. Amirul Believers k.w. said: "I stood up and said:" O Prophet! What's the most major charity in this month? "The Prophet," O Abal Hasan! The main charity this month is to keep themselves from what is forbidden of God ".
O people! you dinaungi akan months by the always great full keberkahan again, the month in which there is a night better than thousand months; month that God has made puasanya a fardhu, and in the evening qiyam a tathawwu '. "" Whoever approach themselves to God with a good job in it, he samalah with people who engage in a fardhu in the other. "" Ramadan is the month of patience, while the patient is the reward of Paradise. Ramadan is the month to provide aid (syahrul muwasah) months and to give God rizqi to believe in it. "" Whoever gives food berbuka someone that fast, that is for the remission of sin and freedom from hell itself.
People who get the food reward as the fasting person without a bit reduced. "The Companions said," O Messenger of Allah, we have not all fast food berbuka for other people to fast. So bersabdalah Messenger of Allah, "God gives the reward to those who give a date, or smack the water, or sehirup susu." "He is a month beginning mercy, forgiveness and finally pertengahannya exemption from hell. He lightened the burden of the slaves sahaya (including here in the house's maid), Allah forgive his sin and memerdekakannya from hell. "" Therefore banyakkanlah the four cases in the month of Ramadhan; two things to bring keridhaan Lord, and the two of you again very menghajatinya "." Two things first is to recognize that indeed there is no god but Allah and ask forgiveness of Him.
Two things that you really need is to ask the protection of heaven and hell. "" He gave a drink to the person berbuka fast, Allah gave him to drink water from my pool with a drink that he did not feel hungry again afterwards, so that he go to in heaven. "(HR. Ibn Huzaimah).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

about rapendik surabaya indoensia

Mass media is a tool for the occurrence of the mass communication process. Mass communication is communication through modern media such as in the current era Tehnologi Information (IT), which include newspapers that have a wide circulation, which televise the broadcast go to the broad audience that the information can tersajikan and the community as a Public control (media supervisor) or in the film at theaters and on radio Press peruntukkan to the whole society to add insight. Role of mass media in mass communication that is broadcast information, ideas and attitudes on a variety of komunikan in the number of lots. (Effendy, 2003: 79 - 80). Various types of mass media makes the audience komunikan be selective in use. Audience is basically using the mass media bedasarkan motif - a motif and the media trying to meet the needs khalayaknya.
By the use of mass media audiences in general are not only one type of course, audiences use almost all types of mass media for obtaining information, increase knowledge, to find entertainment to educate khalayaknya to always be positive.
Radio broadcasting as a mass media that is also in use by cirri and the audience has a different nature with the other mass media. Radio is different from the newspaper which is the print media and film a mechanical optics. With television, if there is equality only in the electronic nature only. The difference between radio and televise is the nature of the radio auditif, is a television audio-visual.
And the role of radio as mass media in the delivery of a message can not be in sight to the eye. With the flexible nature of the radio, among others, the easy access by various circles, it can be heard in a variety of opportunities and can be heard in various situations and conditions, the radio is one of the important parts in mass communication.
As one of the incentive and stimulation for the growth of interest in hearing the good, the radio on the side of the entertainment media (music, sports and culture) to function as a radio and media that provide information on the influence of high pendengarnya. Radio is also as a source of information on the charge to provide information and knowledge with an effective way so that it can satisfy its audience. Auditif nature of the radio, that is to hear in the delivery of voice messages in an interesting if presented by the announcer in the information provided directly to komunikan (listener). It is interesting that the message is the cornerstone for the audience or the audience memeiliki selective manner in which you want to hear the message heard. Form of message delivery is an interesting resource for the hornet of hearing to listen to the content of messages in gratitute. Message in a unique way with gratitute akan more in mind both the content of messages and information by an effective listener.
The radio program "Smart Parenting" that diperdengarkan on Radio National Education First (RAPENDIK) M. Fm 107.5 & Am 1503 Hz Hz K. treasury provide new knowledge in the delivery of an information about Education (education of good which is packed in a slick create listener meras temperamental to do something positive. Program "Smart Parenting" even be able to Inspiration for Parents in the home, parents in the school (TEACHER), and even the wider community that mendengarkanya, which of course from a variety of background knowledge and level of education, a parent Quick thinking is capable of, and Response in the Right of all things in the course khususkan to a child.
The reason for the ease in Smart Parenting ingatnya program this month because penayanganya 1 x 4 that is appropriate Friday at 09.00 - 11.00 of each kemunculanya always be expected listener has not even wait to exchange their minds to find the positive side of parents who become smart. In addition to the frequency of your program, the form of packaging music note (jingle), Spot focus on education, and originalitas and unique lines and broadcast a program note this event into one of the identity of the listener is able to attract more to penetrate to the life in the listener. Duration of your 2 hour each day to Friday of each program's Smart Parenting with this theme in a variety of Smart Parenting:
1. the communication of teachers and parents, 2. the communication between teachers and parents, 3. excavate potential both academic and children's talents, 4. identify social problems in school children 5. gopher problem difficulty children & parents, 6. gopher problem difficulty children & parents

The program aims to provide information about the importance of the role of parents in educating their children at home, and even labor educators also need to mendegarkan Smart Parenting program in order to be able to add the knowledge that positive emotions, more patience, and of course permaslahan able to accommodate students who have in schools, because of Smart Parenting in the First National Education Radio in Serve this with a slick and in dampingi By Education Specialists, Experts Psikologai (psychiatrist), and of course a teacher as indicators or the last fortress to help students complete the course permasalahanya and many more of Nara and berkompeten the announcer in the field of education especially in the event Smart Parenting First National Education Radio (RAPENDIK). With the form of message delivery and raw materials according to standard English there are challenges in providing information to the audience. The program would have been beautiful to see segmentation and distribution of information needs related to day-to-day experiences and problems for more mengcontrol and supervise the children according to The Code rule-education measure that the world cast off our education in the State of Indonesia. Knowledge of the listener program "Smart Parenting" is interesting for the knowledge, because knowledge of hearing will be mampun tolak measure the success of a program. With the burden of creating a standard program that has been in the past and describe the frequency and duration of the limited broadcasting program, programn radio program "Smart Parenting" in the know and can understand the audience pendengarnya so that the program can be effective and educating audiences participate.
Researchers will conduct the research program "Smart Parenting" on RAPENDIK Fm & Am researchers deemed capable of representing the diverse group of public radio listeners. This bedasrkan of variations and the order of program events that have at most levels of hearing and hearing segmantasi have a different course in each program. In the period of the playback program Smart Parenting for it to be able to play almost zero in the entire segment of public radio listeners of the programs in the event that siarkan in RAPENDIK.
Describe from the above, interested researchers to conduct research on the program "Smart Parenting" program because this event is a program that is educational with unique packaging and a new course, the people at this time with something more like the Revolutionary / renewal and not boring. This study intends to examine the extent to which knowledge of the education of hearing Radio radio program "Smart Parenting" in the siarkan RAPENDIK Fm & Am permaslahan and find a listener Smart Parenting with children's education that provides perspective on the responsibilities of parents in educating children and help them face problems they face in life good day at school, home and in society in their social lives. So that in effect is pengimplementasian can find problems with the exit of Sharing in Education Radio (Rapendik)

Friday, August 7, 2009

INDONESIAN MONEY rp.2000 will Lounching 10 August 2009

Indonesia as a country of unity have money or means of transaction, as the withdrawal state -
other countries. Bank Indonesia is a state bank that has the authority in the case and issue a
interesting state money. Fraction of silver this 2000 will be launched or introduced or spread on
on 10 August 2009. While some characteristics are the dominant images of berasl kalimantan. You can see the image.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


WAS Rendra called original Willibrordus alias Surendra Broto Rendra H Rev. Solomon was born in Solo, 7 November 1935. Rendara of education in the Faculty of Literature and Culture University of Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, but did not graduate.
Rendra then proceed to study in the United States precisely Dramatical American Academy of Art, New York (1964-1967). Sekembali from the United States, then the familiar Rendra disapa "Si Burung Merak" is founded Theater Workshop in Yogyakarta and at the same time to be leaders.
Artists and cultural leaders urged the Indonesian House of Representatives in order to seek development-talan all kinds of certificate or license pe-nyeTenggaraan all forms of arts activity that is not clear pangkalnya edge, to prevent ter-jadinya restriction, cancellation, and revocation of permits shows haphazard, and mem-pertahankan principles of transparency that is now starting to signs will expire.
Pressure is delivered approximately 60 artists, the self is one with the keeper of the Arts Council of Jakarta (DKJ) dipim a pin-head, Noorca M Massardi, and the artists, led by WAS Rendra in dialogue with the Commission I DPR RI, led head, H Imron Rosadi, SH, Building the House of Representatives in Senayan, Wednesday.
Attend the event, an-other counterpart, Chairman Dr DKJ. Salim Said and Yulianti Parani, Director of TEAM Bur Rasuanto, Director of Yayasan Kesenian Jakarta Pia Ali-syahbana, Adi Kurdish, Putu Wi-jaya, N Riantiarno, Sutardji Cal-sum Bachri, Chairul Umam, Sukahardjana, Iravati Sudiarso, Soemardjono, Ramadhan KH, Eros Djarot.
Selaih the dialogue sung berlang-violent, lunch narinya faction PDI specifically called WS
Rendra dimintai information for a more complete reading of the prohibition puisinya two Olen pohsi. In either event, Rendra also requested a second reading puisinya pi-stated rights that prohibited the police, but by the House of Representatives expressed the same sekah not prohibited. Namely, "De-mi Rangkasbitung People" and "A Prayer in the Rotterdam Youth Rangkasbitung" the me-mukau and make a number of members DPRmenitikkan tears. In the nervous and concerned about the beginning of the meeting with the Commission I, which Noorca me-mimpin artists with WAS Rendra, pernyata convey an artists and cultural and consists of three grains that are created because there have been several cases of prohibition menimbul-kan concerns and Anxiety. "Not only in the environment and cultural artists, arts managers, funders, and audiences, but also in the Indonesian community in general and te -
it also cause a bad image in the community internasio-nal, "said Noorca.
Also say, the kepo-lisian act has been excessive and has been a culture of police and judges do not regard the procedure, Hubung antarlembaga-an, and the convention - kai-dah law.
Runway that is used as the basic licensing law and the prohibition refers to the rules and Old Order laws, which have overridden some poetize Rendra, staging "succession" and "Opera Kecoa" Theater by commas, and reading rhythm Rendra ber-title "Megatruh 'in competition Read English Poetry Month in the se-DKI TIM, 19 November ago. "It is too unilateral, in-ik lim scrutiny as now, when the assessment of art works done by law enforcement agencies in a way like that," said Noorca.
In order to avoid an kercsah and concerns, the artists in their statement urged the parliament to seek the cancellation of certificates or permits for the crowd of all forms of arts activity. "Fine Arts Center in Jakarta, TIM, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta (GKJ), ring-gang youth, and places the enforcement activities of other legitimate selu-ruh in Indonesia," said a statement read Noorca with it.
If permission still necessary, the artists have requested that dike-luarkan without limit of time, as-gaimana License Pener-bitan Press (SIUPP) for print media. "Although the principle is, permit enforcement of the arts as ka-mi does not need at all.
Also raised, the most entitled to assess the work of art or performance art is public, so that when a work of art has been legal action to provoke, make onar, or other damage, ma-ka-pe, and artists who nyelenggaranyalah its seyogia charged to court .
Bad image
Yulianti Parani recently returned from Tokyo, preach prohibition - prohibition in art that gave birth to a bad image of Indonesia in the public eye internasio-nal. "They ask me, what happened in Jakarta, is a revolution has occurred?" Yulianti story.
When the question is that there is no any restriction, except by the director of police, a citizen. Singapore interject, "What the police can prohibit art director? On negen us, even the people fear the police," said: Yulianti laughter that greeted-hadi; rin in the meeting room is a two. ; Not only because the police are prohibited, but how prohibition was deemed confusing \ and likely wishes. "Weird indeed. Our experience, la-rangan it usually comes first, the new three days followed by an explanation about the reasons for prohibition in the mass media," said Riantiarno.
He has three stumble stone restrictions. Ketika mementaskan "Sampek Entay" di Medan, "Suksesi" Oktober tahun ini di TIM, dan "Opera Kecoa" bulan November di GKJ. "What is unique is the prohibition in Medan. The reason was because it was a national holiday, when a rock music from the United States allowed to play at the same time," the story of Nano.
Bur while Rasuanto, kepa-da told the Board how semrawutnya spal licensing art director of the noodles. "Institutions provide the kind permission of - kind of," he said.
Police have Mabes, Ka-Intelpam Polda, and there are other institutions which obtain any kink. "Basic law of any use-kan also different, said Bur asking why there must be a special permit staging WAS Rendra, H OMA Irama, Guruh Sukarno Putra, and to other institutions.
Bur states, due to sim-Pang rustle and not a matter of details, licensing, especially with institutions and could be anywhere in the sudden show forbidden states, "we do not have to create certainty for our activities as the days," said Director of the TEAM . He gave examples of cases showing prohibition "succession" in TEAM. "When I ask the parties to prohibit, the longer the more I know that they do not know what they Disallow it. Also concerning the prohibition Rendra two poems, when I usut, answers his phone is just based on news of poetry is prohibited. What -Where can phone news made by the obligation of grip? " ta-nya Bur.
WAS Rendra Pertahankan scrutiny after the talk-lah Noorca artists as representatives of Indonesia, says pro-ready come to the House of Representatives after me-nepis all kinds of questions that dilontarkan to its people. "There is to ask why the House of Representatives, the House of Representatives do not have yet-to kuasaan anything," the story Rendra. "But, my responsibility, how-are still important dialogue, pitch -
primary among those who have no power, that is you - members of parliament and brother of our artists, which is the same people - people not in power. "
Rendra in a meeting with the House of Representatives, both the Commission and I PDI faction after, became the center of attention because kemam-puannya speak and convey ideas. Forum is a platform for the withdrawal "Si Burung Merak" teak show itself and not the glamor tertiantahkan. The members then read that urgent puisinya recently declared forbidden.
At the Commission I, Rendra read "By the People Rangkasbitung". In meeting with the PDI-F, he urged read-se kaligus with "A Prayer Youth Rangkasbitung in Rotterdam," dibarengi kahmat cajolery Vice Chairman of Commission I, H Ipik Asmasubrata, "you are in the na-dapan the people and not the people per-nan prohibit you membacalcan your poetry anywhere. Now, we ask you bacakan both. "
A number of members in the room-IV seen KK shed tears when Rendra read both poems, a Youth Prayer ..., including the Chairman Ipik and FPDI leading the event, Fatimah Achmad, SH. Comments of the ang-•
§ OTA second place in the House of Representatives terse-ut after reading poetize Rendra, generally expressed surprise why the two poems is prohibited. "We do not melmat the word or sentence that stated should be forbidden from any angle," said Ipik.
"We will bring the two poems to this direct Kapplri M-Sa nusi at the end of this weekend as well," said Ipik subrata.
Rendra express concerns with the implementation of the law lately, which does not tend to be horizontal and ver-tikal. 'We only have legal rights when we are dealing with our neighbors, but when we are faced with the ekseku-tif, only eksekutiflah the memi-liki rights law, while we did not, "said Rendra.
Symptoms that the menu-Rendra Ruth, the main concern among artists and cultural. "The unnoticed that juntrungan and its source is, we create a common political and not participate in the rag-Turan this political game, as if vacant stare board and darkness. As if there is a cat in a sack of political struggle and have ku-cing -cat in a sack ingm end of politics, "said Rendra.
When the scrutiny is over, according to Rendra, then there is the suffering of the body, and pi-Kiran is prolonged. "We already are in a situation that is very unlucky, if ditam akan-flood again?" tanya Rendra.
Rendra then proceed to study in the United States precisely Dramatical American Academy of Art, New York (1964-1967). Sekembali from the United States, then the familiar Rendra disapa "Si Burung Merak" is founded Theater Workshop in Yogyakarta and at the same time to be leaders.
1971 and 1979 he read sajaknya lyric-poet in the International Festival in Rotterdam. In 1985 he followed Horizonte III Festival in West Berlin, Germany.
While some of the puisinya Balada The beloved (1956), Four Bundles rhyme (1961), Blues For Bonnie (1971), poems, rhymes Old Shoes (1972), The Portrait in Poetry (1980), Because By Wind (1993 ), people Rangkasbitung (1993) Travel and Aminah (1997).
Works of the famous dramanya among people in the road junction, and sekda Bird Mastodon and Kondor, Kasidah litany, TROYA War Will Not burst, and many more.

Arouse In Income

In another location, a woman faces 52 years appear cheerful in spite of the sun are not since yesterday afternoon. Street still throw smoke and dust of the respirator. However, he did not care. Sweet smile from the lips without lipstick wipe menan-color fun dakan heart. Today's money supply company where he has held an old iron. 10 tons of scrap metal has been sent the price of Rp 500, - perkilonya for two-class quality. Show how much money in the pocket bag. This is the reason women named Hajah Fauziah appeared eskpresi keba-hagiaan through pure color face.
Like Kusnan or Fauziah Hajah the counter to open the old iron in Jalan Demak, Haji Abdul Qodir visible monitor coolie transport that are responsible for the tanks to scrap metal truck 6x2 Mitsubishi FN517. Iron horse dominant color is dark yellow solid despite visible burden 12 tons dipanggulnya. Not the other truck's chute towards PT. Ispatindo. Sayup-mouth sayup Pak Haji, Haji Abdul for a Qodir muttering. Prayer appears to pronounce. Berha-rap so that immediate benefits received.
... Yes, hoping to benefit is the reason for the businessman in beraktifitas. Keuntu-ngan is mutualisme between actors are natural and it is irrefutable. This needs to be implemented in space and to-hidupan with the attitude of awareness that human beings are social.

Starting scarcity
scrap iron
Iron metal variants are derived from iron sand, iron dust, iron and grad ago dilebur to a boiling liquid and solid printing pattern in accordance with various needs. Because the metal is a mineral that when the exhausted akan human exploration by the industry to try menyiasatinya with metal recycling of iron. Iron which would be recycled scrap iron called.
This helps geliat metal industry. Large companies such as PT Ispatindo in Sidoarjo Sepanjang ber-process and hiring more employees. Machine pengepresan PT Krakatau Steel to operate. The scattered body of a car company in the geographic Indonesia jubilance kehidu-pan as they become normal.
However, it is not long. Scrap metal is often referred to the scrap-langkaan. Industrial metals both large and small headache again.
It is ketidakseim-bangan the international market as the shelf-Soendoro, the head of the Regional Chamber of Central Java Indonesia, the Kompas daily dilansir. The other factor is that many pengepul export scrap metal to China. "He said a lot of metal raw materials exported to China because the automotive industry there is very rapid," said Ira, August body of a car industry worker.
Government regulations on taxation of equipment that included mining investors and perminya-kan also influence the scarcity of scrap metal. During this pertam industrial and oil-bangan "forced" to mere-export of equipment that have become scrap metal, because the objects that will be left if the tax remains in Indonesia. Likewise diutara-kan of the Director of Mineral and Coal Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Mahyudin Lubis.
He was sure, pertam-bangan industry and oil industry in Indonesia has the potential to meet the needs of scrap metal in India. Therefore, Mahyudin said, if you want to be able to meet the needs of scrap metal in the country, the government must change the policy on pera-latan should export again. Thus, after a scrap metal, objects can be sold to employers in the country.
Not only the metal that chaotic, the pengepul also choke because if scrap metal is difficult, earnings also are reluctant to enter a-barrel. Hence a number of the scrap iron or pengepul found ready to declare if there is a collector outside the island who want to supply trash, home price match.
Scarcity of raw material scrap cause major initiative for many scrap metal. The more rare an item then the more high-value ekonomisnya. Competition is also revolving. The new and old mutual bere-butan reach the market. And there is no market utmost.
in front
The advantage is the charm memi-kat. Different types of exchange of goods or services is always pretensions. Pretension that is the advantage of ready dipinang. Businesses also have an old iron. The advantage of the duty pemulung search for scrap metal, pengepul that receive scrap metal from pemulung to be submitted and stored on the company, industrial metal, which is the terminal end of the scrap metal. This is the chain scrap metal business.
Not just the iron collected ago but prices have been withdrawn from the specifications for each iron-penen master class. Standard class is the standard price. Class highest points get the same high. Class is one piece of iron and the rest two classes. But there were exceptions. Metal materials used to ship more. "The price of this type of iron doubled compared to older classes of iron. Although the iron-out, this is not including the old iron "said Manaf, pengu Saha-old iron in Benteng Italic Surabaya.
In fact there is no certainty in the price of scrap iron business. Price diten-quality iron from tukan added expertise bargaining. -Sensitivity is required and insting sharply in price determination. Variations in price very much, but the average play between Rp Rp 1500.00-500.00-per kilogramnya. Iron is included in the price category exclusions have different (for more details, see table below).
Prediction advantage also of determining the price coloring. The average scrap metal to take the destiny of Rp-Rp 200.00 from 500.00 perkilogramnya price.
If a pengepul able to supply scrap metal up to 10 tons perbulannya can be hit at least Rp 2,000,000.00. Figures available-but only for the old iron two classes. Not if you use the mike caron-nisme bulk. For example a ship used to sail is not feasible. Vessels will be purchased with the full weight of the death rate, mem-estimate how many tons of iron age, bronze and other metals. Overall the feeling the sharpness of the pengepul. Once obtained, these ships will be cut and dipilah-type pilah according logamnya. Iron, copper, aluminum be ter-own. The purchase process is able to provide wholesale tungan-keun to approach a billion.
The advantage of this business is able to raise the standard of living someone. Many people who are in the economic middle to lower level up to secondary level to the top slowly. Hajj Syukri victory is an example of an economic choice to survive. The Hajj is the result of the sweat farm manage scrap metal business. Even in 2003 he issued an alms Rp 20,000,000.00. Imagine how kekayaannya if zakat rate 2.5% of all wealth.
This is the reason why many people choose to the scrap metal that some people considered not hiegenis. Pesona the aura out of scrap metal profits force people to mene-ngok and recognize that this is a live option. The difficulty of life, scrap metal business is a attractive alternative.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Banyuwangi Tourism

Banyuwangi Regency, a regency in East Java, Indonesia. Banyuwangi is its capital. This district is located in the eastern most tip of Java island, bordered by Situbondo District in the north, the east of Bali, in the southern Indian Ocean, as well as Jember Regency and Regency Bondowoso in the west. Ketapang port connecting the island of Java with the Pelabuhan Gilimanuk on the island of Bali.

here I will try to research on existing Pesona tour in Banyuwangi.

Mount Ijen -
Plengkung-familiar world in a G-Land
Agro-tourism in the existing kab.Banyuwangi
Mount Ijen is an active volcano which is located in the Regency of Banyuwangi, East Java, Indonesia. This mountain has a height of 2443 m and has four times the burst (1796, 1817, 1913, and 1936). To climb this mountain to be departing from or Bondowoso from Banyuwangi.

Climbing route

To reach the mountain of the Ijen Banyuwangi, can increase angkot stretch Banyuwangi - Licin - Cashew. Cashew's trip followed the Paltuding or ride motorcycles with a car transporter vegetables. Main gate to the Nature Park is located in the crater Ijen Paltuding, who is also a Post PHPA (Forest Protection and Nature Conservation). Alternative route is Bondowoso - Wonosari - Tapen - Sempol - Paltuding. Other facilities that can be enjoyed by visitors, among other tourist huts and stalls that sell upgrade needs to witness the beauty of Ijen crater.

Paltuding from walking around with a distance of 3 km. Initial orbit far enough weight 1.5 km climb due. Most of the lines with slope of 25-35 derajad. In addition to ascend the sandy soil structure so that the weight increase due to step foot must hold weight in order not to sink back.

After beritirahat Post in Bunder (post is unique because it has the form of a circle) next path relatively sloping. Besides tourist suguhi of the climber in the mountain chain that is very beautiful. To descend to the crater should be across the field berbatu-stone as far 250 meters with a steep conditions.
nearest lodging (pke commonplace in the front) is the Ijen Resort, right in the village Randu Agung Village Licin Kec.Glagah Kab.Banyuwangi.

Climbing route:
start early in the start of the Village Cashew (special hobby do trekking) to Paltuding with approximately 17KM distance (within 5 minutes walking).
naek car I think 1.5 - 2 hours nyampe.
paltuding from the peak (+ /-4km) distance rata2 1,5-2 TPI hours depending on the physical person.
Plengkung around the beach there is also an object of interesting attractions, especially for those who are happy adventure, the National Park Alas Purwo. National Park Alas Purwo who "manage" Beach Plengkung this is an area of tropical forest ecosystems with lowland coastal vegetation and mangrove forest. Plengkung addition, in the area Purwo Alas, there are also Beach and Pancur Trianggulasi. From both the beach can also be witnessed by the beautiful panorama sun down.

However, tourism in the district who mentions himself as The Real Tropical Country (Earth Tropical Senyatanya) terbenahi is not a neat, especially on roads and transportation facilities. Many tourists who complain about how difficult it is to reach Beach Plengkung, Ijen crater, Sukamade Beach, and National Park Alas Purwo with the public. In addition, the buoy-beacon to guide the various tourism is also very minimal, so it was quite difficult for tourists who want to visit.

surabaya, OF ABOUT

Grahadi word derived from Sanskrit the House have a good sense, was founded in 1795 by the ruler VOC (United Dutch East Indies Trading). Originally this building is just a home garden (tuinhuis) majordomo Netherlands (Dirk Van Hogendorp) overlooking the river to the Mas, and then changed to the home resident (residentswoning).

Building Description: The main area of 2416 m2, the building support 4125.75 m2 built with French style architecture with architect Deandels. Style of the Empire style with a Greek-style pillars (Doric)
Description: building function since this Governor Samadikoen (1949-1957), to the side as the workplace is also used as a building where the State receives and entertain guests of the coming visit to East Java (Surabaya) Origin "Surabaya" and symbols " Sura and old "
Historical evidence shows that Singapore has been long before the colonial era, as noted in the inscription Trowulan I, numbered 1358 M. In prasati is revealed that the Surabaya (churabhaya) is still a village ditepian Brantas river as one of the most important crossing place along the river Brantas.

Surabaya (Surabhaya) is also listed in pujasastra State Kertagama written by Prapanca about travel cruises Mightiness Hayam Wuruk in the year 1365 in pupuh XVII (to the temple-5, the last line).

Although the oldest written evidence to include the name of Surabaya numbered years 1358 M (inscription Trowulan) & 1365 M (State Kertagama), experts suspect that Surabaya has been the year before the page.

According to the hypothetical Von Faber, Singapore was founded in 1275 by M King Kertanagara new settlement as a place for a successful prajuritnya quell the rebellion Kemuruhan year 1270, M. Hypothetical others say that the first named Ujung Surabaya Galuh.

The word "Singapore" is often defined as the symbol of the philosophical struggle between land and water between land and water. In addition, Singapore's words also appear mythical battle between fish Suro (Sura) and Boyo (old or Crocodile), which raises allegations that the name of Surabaya after the occurrence of war between fish and Farming Sura (old).

So that does not cause kesimpang-siuran in the community Walikotamadya Head Regional Level II Surabaya, dijabat by Mr. Soeparno, issued Decree No. 64/WK/75 anniversary of the establishment of the city, Surabaya. Decree is set on 31 May 1293 as the date so the city of Surabaya. Date the agreement is set up a group of historians that was formed by the government that the city of Surabaya name comes from the word "Sura bhaya ing" which means "courage at risk" is taken from phase dikalahkannya by army troops Mongol leader Raden Wijaya Java on 31 May 1293.

Symbol of the city of Surabaya in the form of fish and crocodile Sura there are lots of stories. One of the famous fight of the fish and crocodile Sura told by LCR. Breeman, a leader in Surabaya Nutspaarbank in 1918.

There are still many stories about the meaning and spirit of Surabaya. Overall inspire the making of the symbol-the symbol of Surabaya city. Symbol Surabaya applicable to this set by the city of Surabaya DPRS with Decision no. 34/DPRDS dated 19 June 1955, strengthened with the Presidential Decree RI No. 193 1956 14 December 1956 of its contents:

1. Symbol hexagon-shaped shield that distilir (gesty leerd), which is meant to protect the city of Surabaya.
2. Tugu Pahlawan painting symbolizes the heroic son-daughter of Surabaya in maintaining Independence against the colonizers.
3. Painting and old fish Sura Sura, which means Ing old son symbolizes the nature of courage-Surabaya daughter who does not tremble at the danger.
4. Colors blue, black, silver (white) and gold (yellow) sejernih and secermelang made possible, in order to produce such a symbol is satisfactory.
Period 1300 (Majapahit / Hindu)
According to the hypothetical Von Faber, Singapore was founded in 1275 by M King Kertanagara new settlement as a place for a successful prajuritnya quell the rebellion Kemuruhan year 1270, M. Hypothetical others say that the first named Ujung Surabaya Galuh.

On May 31, 1293 Raden Wijaya (founder of the Kingdom of Majapahit) with courage and heroic spirit and soul and drive out the success of the tar-tar, troops from Mongolia earth emperor of Majapahit. Of the tar-tar leave through Ujung Galuh Majapahit, a village located in the northern North Surabaya, in the mouth of Kali Mas.

In inscription Trowulan I, numbered in 1358 revealed that the M Surabaya (churabhaya) is still a village ditepian Brantas river as one of the most important crossing place along the river Brantas.

From 1483-1542, Surabaya is part of the kingdom of Demak. After that more than 30 years old Surabaya have power under the rule of Madura. and between 1570 until 1587, Surabaya in below Pajang dynasty.

In the year 1596, the Dutch first came to East Java under the command of Cornelis Houtman.

Period 1600 (Islam)
In the year 1612 Surabaya is already a busy seaport trade. Many Portuguese traders to buy spices from the indigenous traders. Indigenous traders to buy spices in secretly from Banda, although there has been agreement with the VOC is forbids people to trade to Banda own interests.

After years of Surabaya in 1625 fell into the hands of the kingdom of Mataram. After subjection of the kingdom of Mataram, Surabaya 1967 due to the chaos of the pirate attacks that originate from Makasar. Circumstances at the time this is not certain names appear Trunojoyo, a prince from Madura tribe of Mataram, who rebelled against the King of Mataram. With the help of those who successfully Makasar Trunojoyo the Madura and Surabaya.

Under the authority of Trunojoyo, Surabaya port into the storehouse, and transit goods from the fertile region, the Brantas delta. Kalimas to "rivers of gold" that bring valuables from the hinterland.

With the reason you want to help Mataram, in the year 1677 Kompeni send Cornelis Speelman equipped with a large force of war to Surabaya. Fort can be finally Trunojoyo Speelman. Then the Governor General to the Surabaya Couper restore Mataram.

In the 18 century, the year 1706, Singapore became the first event under the leadership Kompeni and Govert Knol Untung Surapati.

After the war continuously, on 11 November 1743 Paku Buwono II of the kingdom of Mataram and General Governor Van Imhoff in Surakarta to be signed an agreement stating that he was right on the north coast of Java and Madura (including diSurabaya) to the VOC that was provide assistance until he ascended the throne in the kingdom Mataram.Tetapi new Dutch troops to Singapore on 11-April-1746.

VOC establish a new governance structure in the coastal region north of Java and Madura to the position of governor in Semarang. In Surabaya was a Gezaghebber in den Oostthoek (ruler of East Java).

Year 1794-1798 between the ruler of East Java is Dirk van Hogendorp. On September 6, 1799, Fredrick Jacob Rothenbuhler replace Van Hogendorp power until 1809. In the year 1807 Surabaya get attacks from the British navy under the command of Admiral Pillow finally leave Surabaya.

After the bankruptcy VOC, Dutch East Indies to the Dutch government. Surabaya years 1808-1811 under the direct government of Governor-General Herman Willem Daendels that make Singapore as a small European town. Surabaya is built into the city as well as trade fortress city.

Surabaya years 1811-1816 under the authority of the UK dijabat by Raffles. Year 1813 Singapore became a city that can dibanggakan, up-until William Thorn in the memoir of Java Conguest of Gresik City argued that (in the past to become a bustling port city) has become obsolete when compared to Surabaya.

Then again Surabaya occupied Netherlands. Year 1830-1850, Surabaya truly shaped the city as a fortress with the Prins Hendrik fortress in the mouth Kalimas. In the year 1870, Singapore continues to develop to the south into a modern city.

Period 1900
On 1 April 1906 set as the Surabaya municipality (gemeente) based on the 1 March 1906. Since that time all government run by the Board of City (Gemeente Raad), under the direction Assistant Resident AR. Lutter double as a temporary mayor.

In the year 1942 until 1945, the city of Surabaya is under the control of Japan. During the Japanese occupation for 3 years, the city can be said not to progress at all.

Proclamation 17 August 1945 burning spirit Arek-Arek Surabaya against colonists, there were up to Surabaya Inferno mengguggah the oppressed nations to rise against the colonizers.

On Monday, 3 September 1945 Resident Soedirman proclaim RI Government of East Java and in the welcome action Bunting in all corners of Surabaya. Dutch aircraft distribute the announcement flyer that associate / Netherlands akan landed in Surabaya, which caused the Dutch flag with proud mengirbakan Orange Hotel in the Netherlands on 19 September 1945, this cause anger Arek-Arek Suroboyo so there with the bloody incidents terbuhuhnya Mr. Ploegman. Dirobek blue red white and blue berkibarlah the Red and White with megahnya in the air.

25th October 1945 English army landed in Surabaya, 49-to brigade strength with 6000 soldiers, led by Brig. Jend. A.W.S. Mallaby, experienced troops from the war the world stage which consists of Gurkha troops from Nepal and Northern India. Next day on 26-27 October 1945 some British planes drop leaflets that ordered the population of Surabaya and East Java the weapons. Date 28 October 1945 there were incidents in all corners of the city.

Peak on 30-31 October 1945 British army leave the building Internatio Brig. Mallaby died, the car exploded in smoke. Date 9 November 1945 ultimatum signed by May. Jend. E.S. The Division of Masergh ally in East Java, have people submit without weapons requirements before 18:00 hours and if does not perform up to 06.00 hours on 10 November 1945 morning akan sting Force military strength with the land, Sea and Air.

Respectively at 21:00 & 23:00 hours after the central government in Jakarta is not the successful establishment of the Board to revoke the UK ultimatumnya. Governor Soerjo which is a relief, "It's better than the occupation destroyed again." Date 10 November 1945, occurred in the tremendous battle throughout the city, mass resistance against the army of the people of Surabaya partners, so that the victim fell everywhere, for 18 days Surabaya like hell. With the destruction of the people in the citadel of paramilitary troops Gunungsari on 28 November 1945 while the entire city of Surabaya fell into the hands of the associate.

The heroic Arek-Arek Surabaya with a valiant struggle to end point of blood, for the sovereignty and tegaknya ideals of the Indonesian nation was built Tugu Pahlawan monument which was dated 10 November 1962 by President RI.Hotel Oranje
the hotel is the oldest large in Indonesia. Founded by Lucas Martin Sarkies traders from Armenia. The hotel is planned by British architect James Afprey in Art Nouveau architecture start, built in 1910. Previous Sarkies family already established some of the luxurious hotels in Asia and the famed, conto Hotel in Niagara Lawang, Eastern and Oriental Hotel in Penang (Malaysia), Strand Hotel in Rangoon (Burma) and the Raffles Hotel in Singapore.

Hotel opened in 1911 with the name "Hotel Oranje". In the year 1931 in front of the old part of the entrance foyer of the new built in Art Deco style by architect Prof. Ir. Charles Prosper Wolff Schoemaker (1882-1949). With this addition, hotelnya hotel into one of the most beautiful and coolest in the world.

During the Japanese occupation to change the name of the hotel into Hoteru Yamato and serves as a prison. On 19 september 1945 here as "The incidence Flag". Extremist Dutch colonial flag raising red-white-blue tower in this hotel. Milis Indonesian nationalist climb the tower and rip it out of the blue flag Dutch flag was changed to Indonesian.

Hotel Oranje in use until 1950s. Hotelnya dinasionalisasikan that time and the name changed to Hotel Majapahit. Because the hotel management ugly slowly into the former-former accommodation. In 1996 the group mandarin Oriental gedungnya purchase and begin restoration intensive. Hotelnya get back into the old and the coolest hotel in Surabaya with 5 stars.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Mbah Surip – I Love You Full

Mbah Surip – I Love You Full

* kekasihku i love you full
malam ini terang bulan
ku ukir-ukir di hatiku
ku tulis-tulis namamu
ku goyang-goyang jantung dalam darahmu
biar mengalir di bengawan solo
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.net
** kekasihku i love you full
kekasihku only you
ooo, i’m boring
satu detik tak bertemu
ooo, i’m going


In the social networking site Facebook, a call to become champion Surip fans have long shown, but, in the last two days, the number jumped high enough. If on Tuesday (30 / 6) the number of fans champion Surip around 44,000 people, on Thursday (2 / 7) night champion Surip tote has 65,000 owners facebook account.
Urip Ariyanto original name. But why he is now known as Surip? According to the owner's name, "S" is the result of the deep philosophy penemuannya time.
"There is a kind of formula that makes the letter" S "suddenly stick in my name. Selidiki when I was studying philosophy. Letter "S" symbol that I also learned one, not learning from mistakes. If it is easy to study properly, "he said.
Surip leader added, "In another case," S "is the fetus bond between women and men." UNDERSTAND?
Yes, that's the champion Surip, owner hits pickaback Tak, who claim to have two lectures in universities in Surabaya on at the same time at the University of Sunan Giri (Unsuri) and Petra Christian University. At the University of Petra, he was taking a Geology major and graduated in Mining Engineering heading.
Surip champion also had claim to work in Texas and California, USA. "I work in an oil company drilling in the U.S. for 6 years 9 months. Last year in the U.S. in 1986, "he said.
Surip champion also had claim to work in Jordan and Canada. He claim to have a degree drs, Ir, and an MBA.
Despite getting the salary, the leader Surip feel nervous. "Then, I feel my life is not wrong, my life it seems quiet. Then, I want to learn from the things that is wrong. Finally, between 1996-1997, so I decided artists, "he said.
Surip champion was back to Jakarta and joined with several community art as Teguh Karya, Aquila, Bulungan, and TIM.
A matter of learning, the champion gave an example. "Rambutku this is a good, long-term. But not even iket-iket. Lihatnya other people, I am wrong. Rambutku digimbal of 1985 already exceeds five or the president, Soeharto, Habibie, Gus Dur, Megawati and SBY, "he said followed by loud laughter.
To maintain the hair, the leader Surip perform special treatment. "Like most people, he is also diligent washing hair. But, samponya ANGGORA shampoo for cats, "said the assistant leader Surip, Farid (26), with the mimic serious.
"What is there in Petra Chemistry majors?"
"Eh no, in Geology I, ha-ha-ha," answered lightweight champion Surip laugh. While in the United States around 1986 that they say he created the song "No pickaback". "I have under the bridge," said Surip champion. He wanted the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, who is famous. Maybe? Can be .... However, with the "No pickaback", he would like to say that the fact that human beings always live together. "... Together," said the champion.
To the media, Surip leader also said he was a graduate master's Philosophy, but the title of a MBA university. He-he, once more is never clear where the university provides a master's degree Filsafat with master of business administration MBA that alias.
Gimbal is a matter of hair, he has some version of the story. The first version, he mentioned that the hair is made with a twist and memanaskannya on the zinc plate in the top of the kerosene stove. Second version, in 1998 when he was shooting for television perdananya album, Ijo Royo-royo, Ancol mendandaninya the artists that appear different. Cat hair disiram ago dipilin and tied with yarn. Until now the hair is still tied worsted.
Rev. DP Farid, the assistant who is always bringing Surip to champion a variety of events, telling stories, hair "Simen" always washed once in three days, "With the cat shampoo." That's the story of "odd" that others ... ha-ha-ha.
many people doubting the truth before the stories are always changing because each re-told by Surip champion. But, now that he seize the attention our entertainment industry, of the things that can not be denied.
According to Farid, since May 2009, day-to-day leader Surip outstanding performance from the stage to television. Saturday, for example, morning leader Surip filling station in the event ANTV and afternoon fly to Bali to show in a cafe. Today, Sunday, he was singing on stage Depsos the Monas, Jakarta, and noon to Mekar Sari Fruit Garden, "a night again, I forgot ...," said Farid. Day wigwag be in the champion Farid Surip together with the motorcycle.
Life with a tight schedule at a glance, this looks for behind the practice leader in Bulungan Surip nongkrong or Ancol bergelas while-gulp glasses of black coffee. "There is no difference. My usual course, ngalir, professional ... this, "said Surip champion. Momentarily and then it's body and prolong leyeh-floor lobby in leyeh Auditorium TVRI Jakarta. "I lue Sik yo ...." It means hungry.
Father of four children and grandfather of four grandchildren born in "Germany" series alias Kauman, tenant, Mojokerto, East Java, this may always be anomalies in the vicinity of the environment "gaulnya". Over the years, the outstanding leader Surip Public Appreciation (Wapress) Bulungan, TIM, and the Ancol Art Market as the "independent". Like life-like. "Who is near to her, that he keep," said Beni, a journalist and artist who was close to the leader Surip.
While muck, among them was walking from Ancol Bulungan to shoulder while the guitar, leader Surip create songs. "There is an 200-...," he said. Since 1998, he said, he has developed seven albums, the Ijo Royo-royo, Maelan Siti, Indonesia One, Bonek, Barang Baru, National Sleep, and Not pickaback. "I'm selling in front of the toilet and Ancol Blok M," said Surip.Menurut champion champion Surip, if you want happy, people should choose a profession based on the interests and expertise. "Basically I was happy to mingle and talk a matter of art," he said
But the champion refused Surip explain life personality. Date of birth a matter of course, the champion merahasiakannya. Farid who lives with the same house in the village champion Surip Artists, Cipayung, East Jakarta, also do not know the birth year Surip champion. "If we see his identity card, he was born on 6 May 1969," said Farid followed by laughter. Say, champion Surip born 1949.
Surip champion also reluctant to discuss the family. Farid said, setahunya champion Surip have four children and four grandchildren. They live in a city that is home Surip leader in Mojokerto, East Java. But concerning his wife, Farid menahu not know.
"The status now Surip Singles champion," said Farid. A certain, champion Surip have many of the students in the village of Artists, including Farid. How the teaching is quite unique leader. "We (children didiknya) enough to see how he works in," said Farid.
"enak toh mantep toh. . . aaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa"

MBAH SURIP OR Urip Ariyanto

Urip Ariyanto
Mojokerto, May 05, 1949
His name became popular thanks to the song Not pickaback frequently played on television. Appearance Surip champion, so he always called the unique also be one of something special. With rasta hair style reggae singer and a freelance tawanya become characteristic of Surip champion.
Pickaback not own it created in 1983 when the champion Surip work in the United States. According to the leader Surip this song has a distinctive philosophy of meaning, that is, the study is wrong.
Born in Mojokerto, 5 May 1949 with the original name is Urip Ariyanto widower with four children as well as grandfather of four grandchildren. Before becoming artists, champion Surip undergo a variety of professions. Start working in the field of oil drilling, diamond mines and even a man who has a degree Drs, Engineering and MBA is never venture outside the country such as Canada, Texas, Jordan, and California.
In bermusiknya trip, he has issued several albums since the start of 1997. Some of the album, among others, IJO ROYO-ROYO (1997), INDONESIA I (1998), Reform (1998), TAK pickaback (2003) and NEW GOODS (2004).
Home in Mojokerto, East Java, still simple and small.
Home canary pickaback is not only measuring 3.5 x12 meters. Look very simple. The contents of the house there are not any expensive furniture. Tiny house is located in the narrow alleys selebar 2 meters in the dead-end alley No. 12, Kelurahan tenant, tenant District, City of Mojokerto, East Java.
Surip champion is still modest although he has achieved success as a musician. Lifestyle is not changed much since the bands' Not pickaback 'demand to be sweet RBT. In fact, champion Surip confess himself more than happy to ride motorcycles car. He felt more favors transfer of the motor to sit nicely on the car. Date Died:
August 04, 2009

Lyric of TAK GENDONG-Mbah Surip (RIP 04.08.2009)

Tak gendong kemana-mana
Tak gendong kemana-mana
Enak donk, mantep donk
Daripada kamu naik pesawat kedinginan
Mendingan tak gendong to
Enak to, mantep to
Ayo.. Kemana

Tak gendong kemana-mana
Tak gendong kemana-mana
Enak tau

Where are you going?
Ok I'm
Where are you going?
Ok my darling


Tak gendong kemana-mana
Tak gendong kemana-mana
Enak donk, mantep donk
Daripada kamu naik taxi kesasar
Mendingan tak gendong to
Enak to, mantep to
Ayo.. Mau kemana

Tak gendong kemana-mana
Tak gendong kemana-mana
Enak tau

Where are you going?
Ok I'm
Where are you going?
Ok my darling

Ha.. Ha...

Tak gendong kemana-mana
Enak tau
Ha.. Ha...
Ha.. Ha...
Ha.. Ha......


This is the seed or the tree. Genealogy comes from ayahku.Silsilah this kudapat from various sources, but the most I can from the main note that kudapat my father's books that he write
pangeran maharruddin
Abdullah wakhid & siti noor djannah
PANGERAN BAWANA, anak Jaka tingkir yang turun tahta
NY. HADIWIJAYA, istri Jaka tingkir
Sultan Tranggono
R. PATAH (Chen Jin Wen)/Panembahan Tan Jin Bun)
Prabu Udoro dan Putri Cina dari Palembang

Night Nisfu Sa'ban 04-08-2009

Night Nisfu Sa'ban


"As hadith of Rasulullah SAW, on the night nisfu that Sa` ban, Allah SWT view and approach the servants of his diligent and doing a lot of worship, so also the fate and application
possible to Allah SWT for granted, "
Tonight is the night nisfu sa'ban, which is one of the five nights of prayer in which a servant insyaallah akan granted. Every month in the coming month of Ramadhan is a month away introspection, where we should be charged more for a meeting or a meeting with ourselves our families our friends our friends our brothers and assess and evaluate the return on what we have been doing so far. Suggestion apostles and prophets Muhammad SAW, so that every month during this fasting perbanyak circumcision, especially in the mid of every month called every nisfu that. Fasting in the month every circumcision may be as fast as we leave the past been Ramadan, as it is also the beginning of the training required to enter the fast on the following month. Every month is also a meeting for a strategy and plan, to enliven the month of Ramadhan.
"In the life of Prophet, Muhammad SAW Mightiness diligently carry on the fasting days of the mid-hijriyah namely 13, 14 and 15 respectively," he said.
istimewanya night Nisfu Sa'ban among others:
- Special Night to ask forgiveness and ask for food,
Night-to ask for longevity,
- Night in order to apply later died in a state of Khusnul qotimah.
"Hadith of Rasulullah SAW, on the night nisfu that Sa` ban, Allah SWT view and approach the servants of his diligent and doing a lot of worship, so also the fate and possible application of Allah SWT for granted, "
Prophet Muhammad SAW in sabdanya to his wife, Aisyah RA, explain the superiority nisfu night sya `ban, which is the night mustajabah (granted) by the prayers of Allah SWT.
then, mandatory for us to worship on the night and ask nisfu sa'ban repentance as our prophet Muhammad SAW.

stories about 'Moro'

Moro is the name surname Given to Spain Islamic people do when me-expedition to the Philippines in the year 1565 under the leadership of Likasbi. At the time in the Philippines alone, some have stood over, are: Sulu, Mindanao and Buayan.
Spain coming to the Philippines, triggering opposition from residents who are Moro Islamic. They call this' War Moro '-appropriate nickname given to Spain. A professor from the University of the Philippines, Cesar Adib Majul, share war divide this into six stages. Started when the Spanish resistance in the mid 16 to mid-19th century.
Until here, the Philippines with the characteristics and identity of each, split into two; nation Indios-nation of the Philippines successfully dikristenkan by Spain, and the Moros, Philippine Muslims.
'Moro Wars' when the United States continues to assist the rebellion of the nation the Philippines (Indios) of Spain and the revolutionary government was successfully formed in Luzon (year 1898). However, the United States does not intend to give independence to the Philippines, the Philippine Independence pecahlah War against the United States in the years 1899 to 1902.
Philippine Revolutionary Government does not successfully attract sympathy and support for Muslims in the South for the United States. The Muslims have terlanjur do not believe that the Christian Philippines. They are considered akan ber-combatants to the more treacherous as Muslims first time the Spanish colonizers. This concern, according to 'the South' have any reason during the 300 years old Spanish domination over the Philippines, kelom-pok Christian Philippines diperalat have to fight them.
Their contention, the government of Spain and the United States is the power of foreign plunder of the Philippines. Attitude is also encouraging that the most se-me-Muslims Philippines nganggap Philippines government only approved a foreign government only.
And tibalah in 1967. A man who came from the tribe of Bangingi, Nurullaji "Nur" Misuari founded organization United Na-sional Muslim in Mindanao. This group represents the interests of people of Moro Islamic countries to form joint-ri and resistance to the Republic of the Philippines. Next year, precisely in May 1968, Nur Misuari group to replace de-ngan a new name, namely Pem-Front Moro National bebasan (MNLF) and the shape militernya own strength.
The role of Indonesia as a conflict mediator
The first agreement between the MNLF and the Philippine government, held in Tripoli, Libya in 1976. At that time, the Philippines promised to give full power to thirteen Mindanao region. However, the sheer-ngan, the Muslims in Mindanao feel tricked. This is because the implementation of the violations as stated in the Per-Tripoli's make a pact. Since then, the MNLF overt display the flag of war.
Indonesia became fasi-litator autonomy negotiations toward peace. Negotiations held in the first torch Islands, Southern Philippines. According to the story of Hasan Wirayuda who served at that time director of the International Organizations Department of Foreign Affairs, the government of the Philippines 4000 marine recruit. Meanwhile, Nur Misuari rally 7000 laskarnya. Philippines President Fidel V. Ramos and Nur Misuari successful compromise. MNLF throw desires akan full autonomy and receive broad autonomy within the framework of unity and the unity of the Republic of the Philippines.
Four rounds, held a meeting to discuss the formalization grain agreement. Perte-muan last held in Jakarta on 28 August 1996 that menye-pakati composition MNLF paramilitary troops will be absorbed in the Armed Forces Philippines (AFP). The number is 7500 people.
Thus. Struggle of Nur Misuari as MNLF and twenty years old 'as' is-kan see the results. Government Fi-lipina formed Autonomous Region Muslim Mindanao (ARMM-Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao). Region covering Lanao Del Sur, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi, Basilan and Maguindanao. In this area, there is special treatment for Muslims. Nur Misuari and their own elected to the governor for the term of office until September 2001.
Occurrence of the MILF and Abu Sayyaf Group
Peace agreement between MNLF and the Government of the Philippines is not agreed by all nations Moro. 1984 form Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) leader Salamat Hasyim. This group considers that Nur Misuari and the MNLF is not able to bring most of the nation's desire Moro. Therefore, these groups still fight the Islamic State in the Southern Philippines.
In 1991 appeared a group of Abu Sayyaf, also aims to build Islamic state in Mindanao through the resistance movement of weapons. Their last action, abducted 21 civilians (some tourists) on the island of Sipadan on 30 April 2000. This group, originally diketuai by Abdul Rajak Janjali (one of the leaders right MNLF).
Who is Abu Sayyaf, a variety of views emerged. There are explained, most members of this group of students-students who defend Islamic countries themselves. Actions Abu Sayyaf demanded the acquittal Romzi Yusoef (mastermind bombardment World Trade Center New York) is considered to be the group have links with Islamic militants such as Hamas and Hizbullah.
Another source explained, not as MNLF and MILF, the history of the emergence of Abu Sayyaf group is not clear how; originally per-free movement of propaganda similar to that used keyakinannya Taliban groups in Afghanistan. Other sources claim that more extreme Abu Sayyaf group that is deliberately transformed by the Philippines during Marcos government in power with the goal to reduce the trust and weaken efforts to govern Misuari Mindanao.
All fire and the occurrence of the groups that separate themselves from the MNLF leader Nur Misuari, the confidence that eventually lead to the solution autonomy, began to feel inadequate and not oppress Muslims in Southern Philippines. "Flush Abu Sayyaf is one of the indikasinya," said Ahmad Humam Hamid, sociologist Syah Kuala University in Aceh as dilansir Contrast.
After Action
The November
In the following its history, there is tragedy. A series of attacks against a number of actions the military and police installations in progress in the island of Jolo, Philippines, South in mid-November 2001, just three days Ramadan. Hundreds of people died.
Some people assume that the purpose of this action is to thwart the election Wi-layah Autonomous Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), which will be held on 26 November. Philippines accuse the government itself Nur Misuari and the MNLF is behind this attack. There is a circulation if Nur did not want to go down so that the governor's office, attempted to thwart the election.
Once declared buron, Nur Misuari fled with six pengawalnya to Jampiras, an island near Sabah Malaysia. They eschew the pursuit of the army and police memburunya the Philippines. Misuari this action be censured by many parties, including the neighboring countries that the Philippines first had to help him and his group.
"How do we gesture? Difficult, because from the beginning of the MNLF to help us in the process of peace negotiations with the Philippines, "said Minister of Foreign Affairs (Menlu) RI Hassan Wirajuda as quoted by a newspaper, a. According to Wirajuda, only logical if the government take advantage of cracks in the Philippines MNLF body. But, me-ngapa Misuari also let perpe-cahan in the MNLF.
Meanwhile, PM Mahathir - while still serving at that time - criticizing faksi Misuari in the MNLF, which fails to develop autonomous ARMM region, when he became the governor of the region since signing a peace agreement with Manila in 1996, after 24 years struggle.
Yet, where is Misuari fled, the soldiers remain caught the police and the Philippines. Since 2002, the pe-mimpin MNLF, which was once so Professor Politics at the University of the Philippines is, must be confined in prison Domingo Fort Laguna Philippines. However, perjuangannya never subside. He still demanded the government fulfill the agreement in Tripoli and reject peace efforts. Misuari is no longer believed in the Philippine government. Many times they have menge-labuhi Moro nation.

Future Revolution in the Globalization Era

Hear the word 'revolution of the future' akan we may ask how we may know about the revolution later. Are not our own we know how to continue the relay the next life. As the treasury, this book are business-feed for memper-revolution kirakan opportunities in a variety of conditions that have at this time.
In view of this book reject the revolutionary perspective of contemporary social science. Emphasized that the more revolutionary changes in the state and class stuktur with violence.
Changes should not be a revolutionary force, based on class struggle, or the power at the national or international. Because it is a formal oppress on strengthening human rights, gender, ethnicity, age or class structure. Seizing power going through the pem-berontakan, struggling through the class structure, or violence and conflict that happens in it, is by Jeffery M. Paige: whether it can be revolutionary? because without it the revolution can occur.
Farideh Fahri also consider that despite the arguments about the end of the revolution as a historical phenomenon and a great time-bound, and the process twenty years ago, including a sudden fall countries that previously looked very strong, increasing the importance international network formal and informal , the presence of globalization and electronic media, have influenced how the revolution and change in the future.
Revolution has been developed into a resistance from wave-wave modernization during the last three centuries that appears in western Europe and the World. Noel Parker for the future of the revolution is the future of narrative revolusiner. Key changes and room for disagreement expressed by the narrative is a revolutionary state, with the claim that legitimize power relations, all the people. Instruments into the country 'negasi-self' of modernization, because under neoliberal domination discourse there is pressure on countries to scrap-dernisasikan 'governance' with menyusutkan their own.
Noel concluded that narrative revolutionary past is that a se-floating in the shadow of the global imaginary, with no countries get a reasonable revolutionary resistance. Strength of the narrative has a revolutionary new format where the opponent groups identified as a resistance group that is not based on the country. But it is cosmopolitan, religious, ethnic, insubordination, subaltren.
With the launch of Chase Dunn and Boswell, Farideh stated that the future of the revolution is seen as more than the world's national event, marked by bangkitnya and global social movement restrictions between the obscure and revolutionary social movements. According to the reflection revolution past can bear the potential to lock up the back of political power as a radical new entry point to project changes in the socio-economic development and the gradual long-term.
If democracy can go in the state regulations and rules can play a democratic run, the pole ideology was born from the beginning of the revolution and the potential for political (rather than social) of the future. This type of mem-agency human need through the process smooth and flake, through the gradual transformation of values in society, and this process does not have the end, because of disagreement revelusioner never complete.
So if the revolution defined as forced upon seizing state power through class-based rebellion from below, the answer is almost certainly not. If the brace is a revolutionary global spirit of'68 '(a form of revolution that has a utopian vision), then the future was waiting for us.
Finally in this book Jeffrey M Paige akan revolution offers more of the future depends on how memaknai revolution. Farideh Fahri look at things more democratic, demo-krasi can flow in the carotid KENE-garaan, in the proper order. Noel Parker is being further looked revolution can be a resistance against the attack or may be in a country.
By presenting arguments from some leaders, this book gives a new perspective for those who miss the change.